Our friends the heteros A surprising study reveals why some heteros are "curious"

Contrary to what many want to think, heterosexuals who have relations with other men are not necessarily bisexual or repressed homosexuals.Sociology teacher Tony Silva explains why.

To be interested in sexuality is also deconstructing your prejudices.As, for example, this received idea that heteros sleeping with men are necessarily pushed gays.In his new book Still Straight: Sexual Flexibility Among White Men in Rural America, Tony Silva returns to a qualitative study that he carried out in sixty men residing in the United States.And according to the conclusions reported by this teacher in sociology, this persistent shot on heterosexuals is far from the truth.

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On the one hand, Tony Silva stresses that men who are part of his sample are attracted as a priority to women.For many of them, sleeping with same -sex members allows them to fill a sexual life as a little fulfilling couple, without there being any emotional commitment that can threaten their couple in question."These men think that sex with men is much less complicated because there is no attachment," he explains. I find it particularly interesting and ironic than their conservative beliefs on gender encourage them to sleep withmen".

Gender pressures and identities

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For other heteros, it is a matter of masculinity."Some men like to receive anal sex from other men because it allows them to feel pleasure without the pressure they feel when they sleep with women, advances the teacher of sociology. For example, several mensaid they felt that they were expected from them that they were in control during their relations with women, but not with men. "Hence the need, perhaps, to reconsider the binarity of the hetero sex which only reproduces patterns of domination under the duvet.

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Can we thus deduce that these heteros are actually bisexuals or homosexuals in the closet?According to Tony Silva, not exactly."Most men identify themselves as hetero because they have the impression that this identity best reflects their romantic relationships with women, their integration into communities composed mainly of heterosexual people or the way they understand their masculinity, he explains. Identifying himself as hetero means that they can avoid being stigmatized and feeling connected to a socially dominant group ".For many of them, their sexual practices with men do not influence the perception of their identity.

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Photo credit: Connor Wilkins via Unsplash