Personality test: these signs that prove that you are the toxic person in your surroundings

For some time now, toxic relationships have been at the heart of all discussions. How do you recognize a toxic person in your surroundings? How do you cut off with a toxic person? We're all looking for our part to identify this person in our circle who doesn't have the easiest personality in the world. Sometimes our quest is useless, and for good reason. Maybe in the end, it's us that toxic person who makes other people's lives hell. Here are the signs that will help you to know the problem in a couple relationship or friendly it is not the other, but you.

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Are you a toxic person?

A toxic person is a person who causes harm to others through words and actions. This type of person tends to create a feeling of unhappiness in his or her loved ones. It can be felt instantly, but often it settles slowly and takes time to realize it. And although we know how bad this is for others, and for ourselves, it is rather difficult to judge one's own toxicity. To find out if we are toxic or not, here are the little signs that do not deceive. If you tend to judge too much and never listen when you are spoken to, it is the first small signs that should alert you. Although it is important to be demanding and to make one's person a priority, it must not be in spite of those around us. It is normal to seek to be right, however never to take responsibility for your wrongs, may make you a toxic person. In fact, if you never apologize for your behaviour, it can also harm the well-being of your loved ones. Finally, if you are used to lying, using irony or practicing passive-aggressive behaviour, no doubt, the maximum toxicity alert is triggered.

How can I stop being toxic?

Breaking away from its toxicity is quite possible. If you're already on this article, it's because you care about your behavior towards others. Second, it's important that you get to know each other. Maybe your toxic side is a trauma, or a reaction to a situation. Once you have identified the origin of this behavior, it will be easy for you to get rid of it. Next, you are advised to look at the points where you recognized yourself and discuss them with your loved ones. Ask them honestly what they think, and Don't focus on the answer. Take the time to listen to them, and most of all, apologize. Recognition is the first and most important step. All you have to do is work on yourself, with the help of your loved ones or a specialist, to overcome it and no longer be a toxic person.

Test de personnalité : ces signes qui prouvent que vous êtes la personne toxique de votre entourage

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