PICTURES.In China, the last mode is to sell peaches in panties

Food - They are cheeky.In China, a fruit seller decided to create lace panties for peaches, on the occasion of a romantic festival, the "Qixi Festival".

A nanjing seller in China has taken the initiative to dress his peaches in underwear.These fruits are sold by box of nine under the name of "When fishing is ripe".Which is also the title of a Hong Kong erotic film as the Sina English site points out.To get these "sexy peaches", you have to get your hands on the wallet.It takes 498 yuan (60 euros) for a box.These fruits come from the city of Wuxi - where the festival takes place - which is also known for its lingerie industry.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the peaches of this Chinese region are simply "the juic, the tastiest peaches on earth".And they are popular.So much so that Shanghai fruit sellers have started to sell them.But the seller at the origin of the concept told the SDCHINA site having filed a patent on these fisheries in panties.Before adding that he filed a complaint at the intellectual protection office.

PHOTOS. En Chine, la dernière mode est de vendre des pêches en petite culotte