School strike: Blanquer in the eye of Cyclone Omicron

POLITICS - How do you recognize a minister in the panade?He is the star of the questions to the government.Tuesday, January 11, the first five deputies who expressed themselves in the hemicycle challenged Jean-Michel Blanquer and the national representation on the ubiquitous health protocols which complicate the life of parents and have the bazaar in school since the start of the school year.

A moment of tensions that reflects the current concerns of the Minister of National Education.Heckled at the Palais Bourbon, disowned in half-word by Jean Castex and Emmanuel Macron, Jean-Michel Blanquer, whose annoyance is no longer a secret, should know, this Thursday, January 13, the first massive strike of the five-year term in establishmentsschool.

The opposition even predicts an unprecedented mobilization "since May 68", with 75% of striking teachers announced ... supported by parents of students.A union in the protest, quite rare to be underlined, which will not arrange the affairs of the tenant in the rue de Grenelle, long loud link in Macronie, formerly described as “vice-president”, finally jostled by the upheavals of the COVID-19.

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Grève des écoles: Blanquer dans l'oeil du cyclone Omicron

Is it the curse of his post that catches up with him a stone's throw from the presidential election?Jean-Michel Blanquer broke the longevity record in September at the Ministry of National Education of the Fifth Republic, detained since 1967 by Christian Fouchet.A small feat for a function deemed to be difficult for the one who prides himself on being associated with several strong markers of the five -year term, the reform of the bac in mind, the duplication of the classes or the famous ”open school” in time of pandemic.

Yes but here it is, the year 2022, crucial if it is, started badly for him.The minister has been under fire for criticism since Sunday, January 2 and his interview - first in a paid format - in Le Parisien, during which he announced the new health protocol planned to apply a few hours later.A timing that ulcerated teachers and directors of establishments when the complexity of the rules finished placing the school - and the parents - under tension.