Express yourself in public, an even bigger challenge for girls

Women, these jackets, real pipelettes!The pictures have hard skin.However, they hide a completely different reality, from the school world to the professional universe, measured by multiple studies: that of a public sound space largely dominated by men and women less encouraged and less valued in this exercise since the youngestage.A question with multiple issues, while orals take an increasingly crucial place in the selection and evaluation processes, from bac to higher education.

"From the crèche, we schematically ask girls and boys who take her," explains Isabelle Collet, professor in education science at the University of Geneva.At school, "various works show that boys are then at the origin of about two thirds of the speaking in class".If this phenomenon has tended to be corrected in elementary school in recent years, secondary school studies attest to an always marked imbalance.In 2015, the researcher conducted an investigation into nine Swiss classes, during "dialogued lessons" in different subjects, and scrupulously observed the speeches of the students.On average, boys intervened 2.3 times more than girls and were twice as much ask by teachers.In addition, they had almost three times more oral interventions "off topic".

"Sages and discreet"

“However, female babies are more brought than their male counterparts to develop verbal communication.But these early language capacities do not give them access to public speaking afterwards.Because the problem is not to speak, but to allow yourself to be visible by speech, "analyzes Isabelle Collet.We do not encourage them to this visibility, abounds the sociologist Marie Duru-Bellat, researcher at the Institute of Research in Education, author of the tyranny of the genre (Presses de Sciences Po, 2017): “Girls have integrated that weexpects them to be wise and discreet.They are also taught very early to pay attention to others, to listen to and to take into account the point of view of the comrades.»»

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S’exprimer en public, un défi encore plus grand pour les filles

In class, boys will not hesitate to occupy the sound environment and interrupt the professor."They more often speak spontaneously, moreover not always linked to the course provided," notes the sociologist.It is accepted, even valued as an attribute of virility."There is in the collective imagination the idea that boys are more turbulent, that they need to express themselves, and that this is quite normal.We tolerate him, just as we let them dirty their clothes.The girls are more quickly reborn when they transgress the rules, ”she observes.

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