Sport at home: essential accessories to start on the right foot

Kate Allart30 décembre 2021mis à jour le 30 décembre 2021

Bien qu’il soit recommandé de pratiquer une activité sportive régulière, en réalité, il n’est pas toujours facile d’intégrer le sport dans la vie quotidienne. Pour se (re)mettre au sport plus facilement, Biba vous a fait une sélection d’indispensables qui vous donneront envie de vous dépenser. Sport à la maison : les accessoires indispensables pour repartir du bon pied Sport à la maison : les accessoires indispensables pour repartir du bon pied


How to equip yourself well?

We decided that we were going to include sport in your daily life, Okay, but be careful not to do anything and anyhow.To create a tailor-made routine, adapted to our objectives, it is important to invest in quality equipment.Whether you want to initiate yourself in yoga, pours or muscle strengthening, we advise you to start with the purchase of a sports carpet.It will allow you to more comfortably practice desired training.To start gently or make cardio training, the jump rope is perfect.A weighted model, with removable weights, will allow you to build your legs but also the upper body.Those who like to push their limits for a model connected to an application that will give their number of jumps, burnt calories, training times or even challenges to be completed.If you want to invest in an object that can serve you both in your training and for relaxation, we recommend the Swiss Ball.This fitness ball, originally created for children, is used for its many virtues as helping the practice of pills or even relieving the back pain.Finally, those who want to worker their muscles in depth, or who no longer want to be satisfied with body weight exercises will be able to buy dumbbells or a kettlebell, with weights to choose according to its level.Very popular, resistor strips, which can be used both to build the legs and the arms, are also adapted on 3 different levels and allow you to intensify your session.We do not forget to stay well hydrated during it, buying a small ultra cute gourd.

Sports outfit: What are the most suitable?

If you lack motivation but you really want to get into sport, buy a new dedicated outfit, in which you will feel beautiful, can help you.To do this, we can count on our favorite brands like Prettylittlething or Mango which now offer dedicated collections.Thus, we shop a sporting leggings matching a pretty seamless top (for a maximum of comfort) that we will wear proudly to do your morning jogging.If we have chosen to adopt running, a slight waterproof jacket will be ideal: it will keep us dry in case of bad weather, without keeping us too hot.We will also have to think about offering a new pair of sneakers (and not the latest fashionable sneakers) like the Nike Revolution 5, designed for running.To finish the outfit, we think of underwear.Whether we have a small chest or not, we will not forget to equip ourselves with a good sports bra, to choose according to the desired support (light, medium or high), for a more comfortable practice.Finally, if you want to see quick results, we will advise you to invest in a leggings or sweating shorts.These ordinary appearances actually have a coating designed to sweat up to 6 times more than usual.What to eliminate fat stored in the thighs, knees, buttocks and even the belly.We will never have been so happy to sweat with large drops!

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Sport à la maison : les accessoires indispensables pour repartir du bon pied