They are called zebras, high potentials, gifted, etc.Fantasized and over -mediated, we know them "gifted", "early", but also atypical, fragile and not always adapted to their environment.How do they work?What are the different profiles?And what clues can inform us about the "overdouance" of one of our loved ones?

"Surdouance" is a subject-debate in parents, as it arouses contradictory feelings: the desire or the fantasy of having generated a genius, passion and distrust in view of the underlying complications. Schools being unable to take care of different children, we have the diffuse sensation, as for dyslexics, that they have multiplied like fungi in recent years. When you have a child who has school problems and behavioral disorders, there is always someone among loved ones to ask the fateful question: "Do you not think he is gifted? According to Jeanne Siaud-Facchin, author of too intelligent to be happy at Odile Jacob editions (23.50 euros), this excess superveaux would be the result of a conjunction of several factors: the multiplication of child psychology consultations , the request for support for the teaching staff in the event of serious academic difficulties and the generalization of psychological assessments.

Overview experienced as a burden

It is clear that individuals with Hauts qi mostly encounter learning difficulties and more or less severe psychological disorders.At the same time, many adults who have not been diagnosed with children, and who have been living in a real obstacle course since then, come to grow the ranks before psychiatrists in search of explanations on their psychic vulnerability, their emotional exhaustion or their problemsintegration.We too often associate intelligence with performance and success, but when we are a real emotional sponge, tyrannized not his five senses, invaded by waves of thoughts and images, and unable to adapt to the requirements ofIts environment, this outline can be experienced as a real burden, a source of stress and misunderstanding.

A potential that depends on the diagnosis

A gifted is an individual with both immense skills of understanding, analysis and memorization, and invasive hypersensitivity full of emotions, hyper-perceptions of five senses and bulky clairvoyance. The intellectual and the affective being inseparable, the potential cannot be registered as a force only if the singularity of the personality is diagnosed, understood and recognized. Being gifted requires a tailor -made life adapted to your disorder. As Jeanne Siaud-Facchin notes, the term "gifted" can be heavy to wear because how to be considered "more gifted" when we combine problems in school and at home in childhood, then failures sentimental and professionals in adulthood? Current terminology has changed: we speak more easily of high potential (HP) or HQI (high intellectual quotient), but also of zebras. This totem animal was chosen because of its unique scratches in the world which differentiate it from other savannah animals. While needing others to flourish, he knows how to hide in the landscape to be forgotten.

Uninterrupted flower

According to scientists, it is not the neurons that make Dusurdoué intelligence, but its neuronal connections that develop at the speed of lightning by learning and memorization. What differentiates the high potential from the average individual is his ability to use the 90 % of the Sonceau which is used for unconscious thoughts. The gifted often have the right answer, most of the time, how they arrived at Bonrésultat. These are the ultra-fast neural connections and the intuition quifte the job behind. Thanks to its high -speed connections which sed back in all areas of the brain, the zebra brain is in a hyperactivity state. At MRI, we can visualize a speed of much higher data than for the average of the population. This means that the integrated and analyzed information is much moreism, but incomperable. The HQIs are characterized by a cerebral -interrupted flow and an irrepressible desire to unplug their brains. They complain about a bubbling of exhausting ideas.

Sensory surge

Enoutre, their five senses are constantly contacted by external elements. Chez Monsieur outer-le-Monde, the information from the outside is sorted and hierarchical by the left brain or the right brain. Among the gifted, all the information collected disperse simultaneously in all the brain, without prior sorting. When a thought occurs, dozens of others flock, accompanied by a host of emotions. Furthermore, neurologu -espretent that the brain of zebra has a latent inhibition deficit. He would have difficulty putting aside the information and the non -relevant stimuli: too strong light, a distant alarm, a smell of food or the labugality of a bench is capable of rotting his life ... According to the author, it is necessary that The information is processed manually. This sorting, normalementautomatic and unconscious, then becomes a real priesthood. It is said that a gifted leceveau is "dependent on the field", that is to say that it is unable to focus on the relevant detail or the important information it needs. Not only is the differentiation laborious, but in view it is amplified by its emotional dimension.


In the context of a closed task, when the context is reduced and only the necessary fees are presented, the gifted is much faster than Lamoyenne. While for an open task (where the possibilities are varied and there are several ways to solve a problem), the high potential will be more time than the average by making attention errors. It is for this reason that only MCQs and holes are used in a school context adapted to high potentials. When the Resources ATTANDENTALS necessary to sort the parasitic information is too important, it is not uncommon for the high potential to literally stands up to let only enter the minimum of vital information. Cemode "all or nothing" described by Jeanne Siaud-Facchin, saving for the individual, is of course a source of misunderstanding, misunderstandings and deconflict with those around her. Other scientific studies have proven that the overdouésuilized their right brain much more than their left brain.

Emotional sponge

Supercerveaux, mode d’emploi - MAGTOO

Right leceveau is used for the overall processing of images, the functionalogic (associations of ideas), intuitive intelligence, creativity, divergent thought and emotional involvement. The pheasant language in the left brain with a linear structure, the gifted pains are struggling to express their ideas or their feelings. To verbalize, the zebradoit fix the image in his brain, an exercise which is made difficult by the permanent Leflux of his emotions. In addition, each image generated gives rise to othersassociations ... The zebras express an inner hubbub, suffer from the said to communicate with precision through confusing speeches repeatedly. At the same time, the high potential is a real epongeemotional, but remains perfectly incapable of decoding the implicit. Being of characteristics which largely explain its reputation as "apart". In short, its exaggerated empathy and its permeability to the other disturb all its relations with others.

He farts the lead regularly

Others, its hyperesthesia (its hearing, visual, taste, olfactory, unusual skills) is often an exacerbated everyday weight is overwhelmed: hearing is sharp, the smell active and the need for permanent touch. In some extreme cases, high potentials are even suffering from synesthetic disorders, that is to say that they involuntarily associate one with another. It is that some gifted "hear" the colors or "see" sounds that they read a black and white book, visualize formsgueometric shapes around someone or attribute a sweet or salty taste to a musicmorceau of music ... Each stimulus Providing an emotional examination, the zebras regularly fart their leads to pour their suffering, their anger and their frustration. Thus, the gifted is not the brilliant bosseur of our fantasies because it does not have an adaptive intelligence innate innate. If it becomes, it will be by dint of working on itself and thanks to the optimization of its potentials ...

The importance of early diagnosis

More gifted children is diagnosed early, the more he knows himself young and more he manages to implement adaptation strategies to be fulfilled to adulthood. If he manages to register his sensitivity and his intelligence in the construction of his personality, the bet is won. As Jeannesiaud-Facchin says, to build, you have to know who you are to know this one becomes. When you discover your giftedness in adulthood, it is often the point that you are confronted with a diagnosed person who embodies the same as they are. In these cases, it is imperative to take stock with apsychologist to evoke this questioning and bend at the game of tests to obtain a complete analysis. The evaluation is always done in two stages: the analysis of intelligence and cognitive resources; Then exploration of personality to assess the psychological consequences and understand the emotional and emotional patterns of the individual. The most frequent -freed -up test by therapists is Wais which studies intelligence and intellectual lefunction in the broad sense. It allows, through 11 tests, to study the different intellectual dimensions of the person and to obtain a global score of Qi. These examinations are grouped into twosous-groups: the verbal scale which refers to intellectual background (fruit of environment, learning and experiences) and performance tests (activation of new cognitive strategies that do not require no ) which allow the evaluation of fluid intelligence.

Test battery

This examination can also be supplemented by CAT matrices, the figure of Rey or the D48 test. In addition, to better understand the personality of the patients, psychologists always complete their diagnosis with so -called projective tests such as Rorschach ink tasks or Zulliger's Z test. An individual is declared gifted when his Qi score is greater than or equal to 130. The more the verbal IQ scores and performance IQs are close, the more the diagnosis is deemed reliable. Nevertheless, according to Jeanne Siaud-Facchin, you should not be satisfied with a single Wais test to make a diagnosis, you must always do additional tests to understand the personality as a whole and assess the weight of intellectual functioning in the dynamics psychological. Once the diagnosis is made, therapeutic follow -up is essential to highlight a new representation of oneself: making peace with your deep self and being able to put into words the singular facets of your personality. According to the author, this phase is similar to an interior redevelopment. On the other hand, this often tedious and painful therapeutic work must be carried out with a seasoned professional who has a good knowledge of high potentials and associated disorders.


3 zebrasses

Jeanne Siaud Facchin distinguishes three gifted profiles: the off-circuit, the acceptants and the rebels.

1- Off-circuit

This profile of individuals knows that there is a framework, but cannot define it.Their life is dominated by vagueness because they do not understand the company's rules of society.Jeanne Siaud-Facchin then speaks of adults Enerrance.Unable to set themselves, they toll from one work to another and in relation to relationships.They are constantly looking for themselves without managing to develop precise goals in their existence.Very unsuitable socially, they are bitter or disillusioned.Often in self -destruction, they are vulnerable to psychological disorders and combine unhappy experiences in all areas.

2- Acceptants

These are individuals who accept the rules imposed by the company. They got used to the idea of ​​evolving in a predefined setting that they did not choose. Jeanne Siaud-Facchin distinguishes among them two sub-groups: the wise men and the challengers. The former do not experience the need to rebel they have no ideals or special hopes. They cross the life of plan-plan without great happiness or big disappointments. They chose, with all the lucidity that belongs to them, a banal life, frustrating on biendies points, but which does not make them suffer too much. The wise men can nevertheless be periods of "great void" because in the face of the trials of life, they feel taken in pincers between their desire to adapt and their hypersensitivity. As for the challengers, they take their life with their body to succeed, sedépass and advance the world. With their knowledge, they will be their weaknesses in forces and their fragility in vital energy. This bulimia of activities often hides immense anxiety. When Leschallengers stop, they can literally collapse because, by dint of all their suffering under the carpet, it can rejoil and lessenglouir to the surprise of their entourage which tends to believe them. But their desire to live always resumes the upper hand and they rebound.

3- Rebels

Rebel gifted generally refuses everything in block.They shout their anger to whoever wants to hear it and criticize everything in principle.They preview life as a cruel, useless and intolerable masquerade.They alternate periods of frustration and discouragement to the chagrin of those around them for whom it is often unlivable.Immobilism is often the only way they find their discomfort.To get out of it, they can only evolve, far from the expectations of their family.Released from the gaze of others, they can then establish new rules of the game. Some take a food job to live their desires without having to account.Over time, others become soft rebels because even if they defend themselves, the need for recognition of those around them returns to the surface.


5 indices to monitor


Powerful, the lucidity of the gifted is eaten by two channels: quidissèque intelligence and analyzes the smallest detail and emotional hyper-reception that absorbed the feelings of others.A real scanner on paw, the gifted lasensation of having a growing perception of the world.They cannot always "ignore the unpleasant things": dysfunctions, heavy abundance or awkward speech.The gifted tends to turn into question because it focuses on the faults and the limits of the system. He has trouble letting go because he never feels safe. Paradoxically, the gifted never feels a feeling of superiority.The haughty looks, it's just because he hides his immense vulnerability.Dormant, there is always a chronic fear of not being loved and feeling rejected.

The fear

In high potential, fear is diffuse because the danger is everywhere: in its soress that it does not master, among others which it feels so different, in life from which it does not surround the contours, in a perfectionism quiengend a car -Mantement. The fear of not succeeding is particularly paralyzing because "not trying is not to be failed, but it is also to keep the illusion that we could have succeeded successfully". In addition, the HautPotentie very frequently establishes a list of all the disaster scenarios could arise, Mania who does not fail to trigger his angaisse crises. These puffs (which can go as far as physical discomfort) are very difficult to calm because the dangers are very real even seistatistically, there is very little chance that the situation turns bad. According to Jeannesiaud-Facchin, they sometimes have the impression of being the guardians of the Carils world are real control towers specializing in prevention. The control of their environment is unbearable to them. Some people will even develop agoraphobia. As a child, the gifted is very often worried about his parents. He lives in the anxious anticipation of what could be the worse. In adulthood, he reports his concerns to his children.


Lezèbre would have liked to look like others and be like what hisparents were projected at birth. He would have liked to be born without these quirks in the combination. Even when he shows adaptation, he feels guilty chime simulates non-stop; Interest in everyday news, enthusiasm or compassion. Perfectionist, he always feels like not to be up to the expectations of his family and friends. He feels a feeling of permanent self -disappointment because he has no complacency towards him. It is convinced that he is on earth to achieve great things and can only be disappointed with his journey. On the other hand, his hyper-receptivity obliges him to deceive the weaknesses and weaknesses of others. He feels the feelings of his interlocutors before they had time to integrate them themselves. Without stopping out of step, he spends a mad energy to slow down the tempo establishing the more suitable air.


In the gifted adult, boredom can be punctual or chronic, but it is always as a punishment.By dint of seeking meaning in things, nothing leads meaning ... Life is going on halftone, as a faded.Hautspotentials express a desire from up and down to have the feeling of existing. Over time, feelings like events lose their flavor. The same in society, they are bored.To be interested in others claims them immense energy because they find them uninteresting because it is so predictable.If Lesurdoué is not permanently self-stimulating with great strokes of activities, deprojects or commitments, boredom ends up starting its vital energy and read the impression of living on a large vacant lot.


This is one of the most visible signs of his personality.Imagine that a problem is raised in a meeting and that after 5 seconds, you have found the solution having studied all the possibilities.Unfortunately, your interlocutors leave in long laïus to explain by the detail menu the unsuccessful attempts they have tested.For 30 minutes, you cannot interrupt them at the risk of appearing badly high.All this seems endless.You try to distract yourself by focusing on something else, but that requires immense effort.This is what a gifted feels in most situations where issues are raised.In addition, double pain, they know that if they react, they will be unpopular.By force, the high potentials lower their arms and are divestise.
