The ex-Miss France, Camille Cerf, victim of the pressure of extreme thinness...

Before becoming Miss France in 2015, Camille Cerf tried to break into modeling. A world that did not suit him that much. She even has very bad memories of it. The dictates of beauty, that's what upset the young woman. “From 15 to 18, I did a lot of modeling. I experienced this pressure of almost extreme thinness and size codes,” admits Camille Cerf. To still be registered with the agency where she worked as a model, this 27-year-old woman had to follow “really very specific criteria. »

"We were often told that we had to measure 90 cm in hip circumference, 60 cm in waist circumference and 90 cm in chest circumference", specifies the pretty Northerner. Very strict rules that affected Camille Cerf. "It was very difficult psychologically when you didn't fit in. Quickly, Iris Mittenaere's best friend found forms of injustice through this profession. “It was also a little disturbing to think that there were plenty of very beautiful girls who did not fit into these standards. Very young, I found it very unfair. “Today, the facilitator leads a fight for this to stop.

Let's not forget that in recent years mentalities in the world of fashion have changed a little. Many brands favor round women with curves. Nevertheless, Camille Cerf wishes to mark the occasion and participate in this new building. Since 2019, the pretty blonde has been collaborating with a lingerie brand called Pomm 'Poire. Sexy and feminine lingerie to honor all types of women. “We choose girls who are not models and who do not all have the same morphologies. »

Ex-Miss France, Camille Cerf, victim of the pressure of extreme thinness…

The former Miss Nord-Pas-de-Calais is very “proud” to be so committed. She told the Gala media: "I try to talk about it on my social networks and represent all these women who can identify with me".