"The obsession of teleworking is the misunderstanding": how the distant requires rethinking corporate communication

When she settles in front of her screen in remote work, Faustine, employed as an analyst in insurance, writes to each of her colleagues a "hello", followed by an emoji, as she would go around by tighteninghands.For her chef, she prefers a more formal "hello" and talks directly about her objectives of the day.With him, she particularly treats his language and rereads her spelling systematically.

Because she knows that her manager will perform each of her formulations, like her virtual office comrades, moreover.Microsoft Teams, the messaging application she uses, has changed her writing.By using her keyboard, which carries the traces of her fingers, she had to learn new codes, even a new language, which is between orality and written expression.

The trivialization of teleworking has led to an increase and significant diversification of the writing, be it emails, the use of instant messaging, professional SMS or reports.A change that is accompanied by an additional training request.

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"For the past few months, a taboo has been getting up with more and more visible writing shortcomings and more difficult to apply avoidance strategies," explains Marie Planchon, orthogagne manager, a training company in spelling in spelling.By taking care of his message, the sender testifies to the importance he attaches to his recipient, who will have less difficulty in decoding his message."His advice: reread the sentences from bottom to top in order to focus on grammar and spelling and not on the sense of discourse.

Replace the informal

To hide a lack of mastery of spelling or even French, or for fear of disturbing, some have become used to calling.But the practice annoys, while messaging applications multiply, promising an almost instantaneous reading and a quick response, depending on the degree of importance.On WhatsApp groups devoted to work or on Slack type diffusion channels, the message participates from a flow, from the most recent to the oldest, with its own codes: for example, on these applications, a point at the end of the sentence issometimes interpreted as a sign of annoyance.

Thus, far from the formality of the email, "corridor conversations have turned into continuous flow on discussion groups of all kinds, where writing tries to partially replace non -verbal communication with the use of the smiley",Pointe Xavier North, former French language delegate of the Ministry of Culture and author of a Guide to good linguistic practices in companies.A small face charged with an emotion makes it possible to set the tone of the sentence and to avoid interpretation, because "the obsession of telework is the misunderstanding", assures the linguist.

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