The Fléac junkyard attacked by visitors!

"Everyone is happy", summarizes Janine Dogimont. Since the publication in CL last week of the article dedicated to the scrapping that she has been keeping in Fléac with her husband Michel for more than fifty years, she has had to deal with an unusual influx of visitors. "For three days, the phone rang nonstop, she laughs. We did a few favors. But many call to find the five-legged sheep and we only have sheep to four legs…"

In particular, she received a phone call from Geneva one evening around 9 p.m. "He was looking for an old R8 to fix up. I don't know if he'll call back." She adds: "There are quite a few who are looking for 2CV or 4CV parts. We don't have any left. It's difficult to satisfy them, we stopped bringing in cars 11 years ago. The stock runs out."

Michel Dogimont and his wife were also asked by France 3 and TF1 for reports. "We also received a gentleman for La vie de l'auto, a specialized magazine. He took his photos, he is going to do an article."

La casse de Fléac assaillie par les visiteurs !

CL also brought quite a few walkers. "They came to see what's left, to take pictures, to walk around." She reassures lovers of old cars: "There is still potential."

On the CL site, some Internet users have expressed concern about the future of a site they believe to be polluted. Janine Dogimont reassures: "We respect the standards of depollution. There have already been controls of the ground, they found nothing."

"We are not in a hurry"

When it came to dealing with the fleet, Michel Dogimont spent nearly a year removing from each car all fluids liable to leak, brake fluid, fuel remains or oil. Janine adds: "My husband has taken to moving the cars from time to time to clean underneath, remove brambles, weeds." The sheep – on all fours – and the hens do the rest to keep the site in good condition. And if it is necessary to clean up, "it is we who will pay, not the neighbor", she retorts to the grumpy.

She slips: "There are lots of people who call us to tell us that we should not close. They are nice, but how do we do it?" Closing is not for now. The couple gives themselves the time to quietly liquidate the stock. "We are waiting for the Sirmet to remove a pile of carcasses. Anyway, we are in no hurry."