The lexical media panurgism (2)

As its title suggests, this note complete and continues that published on February 16.This time, we will focus on a few adjectives that make the panurgical delights of the media.That we are forgiven if some have already been mentioned and above all the necessarily limiting character of our list.We fight with our little forces against standardization*.

Commençons par un adjectif majeur : la presse ne jure plus que par ce majeur, qui en supplante tant d’autres : important, primordial, essentiel, crucial, éminent, principal.If journalists, who particularly like it in titles, think that readers did not realize it, they put the ... major in the eye until the elbow.Avez-vous remarqué que plus rien n’est drôle, plaisant, rigolo, marrant, tordant, poilant ni réjouissant, non, c’est invariablement jubilatoire.It is all the more boring that it is most often exaggerated, because jubilant means "to push cries of joy".L’humour n’est plus désormais que décapant et c’est un peu trop récurrent : il faudrait plutôt réserver le décapant à la colle à moquette ;et, pour la rime, nous passerons à obsolète, qui fait tellement plus riche que désuet, périmé ou dépassé.This adjective comes straight from the Latin Obsoletus (worn, vulgar, withered), which had fallen in obsolescence, before being resurrected during the wave of learned French relatively rebirth in the Renaissance.Let's make an eponymous spell, which often supplants, and faulty, synonymous.It’s a bizarre fashion because the two have absolutely not the same meaning.Eponyme has only one meaning: "who gives his name to" (we refer to a little egg-air to the purists are losers?)?).Finally, to close this list of tiresome adjectives, we are launching a SOS: could we not stop using crazy in all sauces (not the spicy), this uncertain catch-all?This SOS is even a "save that tires" but who will hear it?


le panurgisme lexical des médias (2)

* The sheep in herds that illustrate our previous note appear joyful anarchists next to the sinister parade of standardized men who illustrates it.Millennia of civilization to get to that!