The state has no wages, but thinks of the TGV!

This is an exercise that one cannot recommend to anyone so painful and energy -consuming.What does it consist on ?To listen carefully to the Speech by Tunisian President Kaïs Saïed and then try to get out of it a master idea, coherence or axes of analysis.

It is a fact, and it is confirmed from day to day, the speeches of Kaïs Saïed are disjointed and do not obey any political logic.The president has the chic to jump, in the same sentence, from one idea to another and from one subject to another without there being any link.The listener must by itself punctuating and understanding that the speaker has finished a subject and has tackled another.

Thursday, January 27, the President of the Republic had three activities.He chaired the Council of Ministers, he received his Minister for Foreign Affairs and then his Minister of Transport.

At no time, during these three meetings, the president raised the priority of the time, that of public finances.We currently have a delay of several days for the payment of civil servants' salaries and the state is slow to bring together the money necessary to pay people.For the month of January, he had to borrow from banks and post and divert the Algerian loan from $ 300 million to complete part of the wages.For February, there is no visibility.

A lire également
Comment le gouvernement a pu régler les salaires du mois de janvier ?

While we expected that the Council of Ministers evokes this subject and invites the president to arbitrate between the possible solutions, we were entitled to a discourse which denigrates and defiles the magistrates, which eliminates the sacrosanct ruleSeparation between executive and judicial powers, which comes back (yet another time) to the draft criminal reconciliation, which attacks opponents, hypothetics speculators who impoverish the Tunisian people etc etc etc.

A lire également
Kaïs Saïed : il y a une séparation entre les fonctions, mais pas entre les pouvoirs !

L'Etat n'a pas de salaires, mais pense au TGV !

As at each of the ministers' councils, the president spoke yesterday his major national consultation project.The government's heading presented him with the provisional figures and he had fun saying that 81% of Tunisians interviewed prefer the presidential regime."These figures are not tampered with," he said proud.However, it is to draw the president's attention that 100% of the provisional figures he quoted yesterday are false.Very wrong.Why ?Because the panel of those questioned is not representative of the entire Tunisian population.For a consultation (or a survey) to be considered scientific and representative, the basis of those questioned must comply with the country's societal fabric (same percentage of men and women, dispatching on the regions, dispatch of slices of'age…).The people who participated in the consultation are essentially among the president's aficionados, since the opposition called for boycott.Consequently, it is completely normal that the responses obtained are mainly in accordance with the desiderata of the president.

But let's not forget the essential.How the state will pay wages, how will companies encourage them to absorb galloping unemployment, how to improve the purchasing power of the citizen, how to reduce public deficit, how to reduce the trade deficit, howconvince the IMF to assist us?None of these priority issues appear on the agenda of the Council of Ministers, the President sails in other skies, in another.He evokes Montesquieu and Omar and expressed his anger after a "guilty" prosecutor to respect the procedures.

Avant (ou après) le conseil des ministres, le président de la République a reçu son ministre des Affaires étrangères Othman Jerandi à qui il a fait part de son intention de ne pas aller en Ethiopie pour le 35esommet de l’Union africaine.The opportunity, however, of establishing relationships, finding markets for Tunisian companies or buyers for our products.No, Kaïs Saïed is the head of a state without a budget, but who does not seek any viable solution!

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Kaïs Saïed n'assistera pas au sommet de l'Union africaine

Kaïs Saïed prefers to begging money to the IMF and the brothers and friends countries, rather than moving, taking the plane and going to find solutions for our economy.

After (or before) having received Othman Jerandi, the President of the Republic received Rabiî Majidi, Minister of Transport.

The latter was very happy, according to his video declaration, to inform us of the new priority of his department.The next few days, its services will mobilize completely at the request of the president to carry out a detailed study on a TGV connecting the north to the south of Tunisia.

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Combien coûte le TGV de Kaïs Saïed ?

The Minister spoke of a TGV for the transport of goods and people.This neophyte, which wishes to be known, ignores that TGVs do not transport goods.He also ignores that the idea has been mentioned for decades and has been well relayed in the media and even by presidential candidates.Ahmed Néjib Chebbi is among the last to have said it during his 2014 electoral campaign.

A lire également
Kaïs Saïed appelle à une étude pour un TGV reliant le Nord au Sud du pays

M.Majidi plans to resume everything at scratch and devote the meager resources of the ministry to carry out a study whose outcome is known in advance.You must not be a large rail or economic expert to know that such a project costs hundreds of billions of dinars, that is to say dozens of times the total budget of the state.You must not be a great expert, either, that such a project cannot be profitable for a small country like ours.It takes several million passengers per year so that the project is not a financial chasm.

A good minister, who masters his subject, would have given the immediate answer to the president and would not have mentioned the question publicly to avoid, as well as to its president, to be the laughingstock of the world.

When you have no money to complete the budget of the current month, you can't talk about TGV.It simply recalls the famous Tunisian saying "The ass in the air, the ring with a finger".

Raouf Ben Hédi