The stylist's eye: the naked back, who is it for?

A long black dress. Front, long sleeves on a turtleneck. From the back, a cleavage to the dimples of Venus. Mythical! Fifty years later, the Guy Laroche dress worn by Mireille Darc in "Le Grand Blond" with a black shoe, still embodies the ultimate sensuality, so much more subtle than a pigeoning bustier. Wearing a back naked seems to say, "I'm not wearing a bra."

Lire aussi >> Histoire d’une tenue : la robe dos nu de Mireille Darc

And then, it is to unveil a hidden place of our intimacy, to expose one of the most fragile and sensitive parts of the body, our neck, our spine, the pillar that keeps us standing. It is also to expose a space of our anatomy that we do not see but that others can look at and risk approaching. Wearing a naked back evokes festive evenings, red carpet, terrace dinners … You Don't even have to do too much, a few centimeters in the open are enough to create the wahu effect.

Shall I show my back tomorrow?

Perhaps you are one of those women who find the neckline "indecent" (too much breast) or "insipid" (not enough breast). Either you are modest (you Don't want to expose yourself) or you Don't like V tops anymore (old-fashioned according to you). In short, all these dresses and naked high backs that bloom in the shops you (re) give you an eye. How to wear them on a daily basis? ISN't that too provocative? Especially with nothing under it? …

Already, with a wise face-you Don't "take off" in front and back-you limit the risk of vulgarity. Besides, you Don't have to be naked to the kidneys. Choose your cleavage, more or less notched, more or less wide. Even a little V on the back changes the spirit of a simple t-shirt.

L’œil de la styliste : le dos-nu, c’est pour qui ?

The nude always conveys the message: today, you are above the fray. Morning of flimsy clothes?. Trust a tasteful top with a set of shoulder straps on the back to amuse your jean-sandals duo. Motivate a flat skirt with a naked back sweater. Count on an open gown in the back to entertain bored office pants.

How far to reveal yourself?

Is there an age limit? A "perfect and muscular body" to dare the naked back? … Even if this style of dictates is out of date, you have every right to question yourself. Not to want to reveal the small bumps of the back that usually go unnoticed or the softer skin that grieves you. You can, on the contrary, care completely and, regardless of your age and shape, say yes to a summer dress that openly frees your back. The most important thing is to respect your wishes and not to frustrate yourself.

Play with effects of matter and volume, head for more or less soft versions but never without sensuality: blouse cut in square, tip opening from shoulders, wide or thin crossed bands, rounded body of dancer, games of transparency, sweater knotted in the back, topone shoulder …. The choices are so wide that you will find the option that will suit your circumstances, your tastes and harmonize with your silhouette.

And then to feel the breath, even light, of air on your shoulders may make you want to loosen your neck beautifully, stand upright and gain confidence.

What lingerie with a naked backpack?

You Don't need a bra? Perhaps think of the nipple cover that will preserve your modesty. But above all, avoid the apparent straps-even the transparent ones that always see each other. Otherwise, there are small clips in the shape of a bow tie to camouflage the tie.

In summer, under your naked back, you will be able to keep a "string" top or basic blindfold without seams, from those that go through the head, black or in a bright color away from white and lingerie nude. With an ultra notched cleavage, count on these amazing silicone adhesive hulls that keep themselves-more or less-forgotten or go to a technical bra with learned shoulder straps that go down low in the back to glam style. Maintenance assured. Now all you have to do is straighten your chin.

Isabelle Thomas has been a personal stylist for more than ten years and an expert in self-image. She created the detox closet ©a method of finding her style and shopping in her wardrobe.