This rice test will help you choose the size of your breast implants

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Publié par Gabrielle le 23 Jan 2022 à 12:36

If you plan to undergo breast augmentation, it is important to choose the proper size.This choice is not easy, the implant must be adapted to your body.To help you, cosmetic surgeon Frédéric Lange advises the rice test.

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How to choose the size of breast implants?

It is particularly important to choose your implant size during a breast augmentation.Indeed, more than half of the breast revision surgeries are practiced to change the size of the implant.

According to Dr. Lange, the rice test can help you simulate the future appearance of your chest.To do this, you will need rice, a dosser glass, an old pair of stockings and a sports bra.

Ce test du riz vous aidera à choisir la taille de vos implants mammaires

First, choose the liquid measurement on your doser glass.Then choose an implant volume to try: 200 cc = 200 ml, 250 cc = 250 ml, 300 cc = 350 ml.Fill your glass with the desired rice volume.You will then only have to pour the quantity into a bottom and make a knot.

The rice test gives an approximate benchmark

When you have your first rice prosthesis, do in a second and perform fittings under a sports bra.Do not hesitate to try different volumes to determine the size that suits.

It is advisable to wear your "implants" during your daily routine.This will allow you to know if you are really comfortable with your new chest.You will then only have to indicate the chosen size to your cosmetic surgeon.

The rice test remains, however, an approximate benchmark.The final choice should be discussed with your surgeon.Depending on the location of your implants, it is for example possible that you have to increase the size.

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