Tiktker says she donated her boyfriend to make her boyfriend

If you had to give a kidney to your dying boyfriend, would you expect loyalty in return?

Well, Colleen did not understand it.Instead, she was deceived.

It has become viral for having found humor in its situation and shared its story on Tiktok.

In her tiktok, she says she was deceived after giving up her kidney to her boyfriend.

In the now viral Tiktok video, which has been viewed more than 10 million times, collapses it comically as the screen reads, "is cheated".

She subtitled the video "everything happens for a reason".

Needless to say, viewers wanted to know more about its history.

In another video, she discussed the bizarre situation.

When her ex-friendly friend met, he was diagnosed with a chronic kidney disease at the age of 17 and his kidney function was less than 5 %.

She described having discovered that she was compatible and decided to undergo the operation so as not to have to watch him suffer.

However, only 7 months after the operation, he cheated on it during an evening between singles in Vegas.

TikToker dit qu’elle a fait don de rein à son petit ami avant de se faire tromper

She said he was a "pure and hard Christian", so she thought she didn't have to worry that he is coming out.But she was wrong.

In the video, she recreates that night and tells how her ex apparently hit her door and admitted having cheated, then begged her to take it back.

Said it, "a lot of arguments later", she decided to give him a second chance.

But, only 3 months later, he blocked her on social networks, stopped responding to her text messages and broke with her after saying: "If we are made for each other, God will end up withcome together ".

The video has drawn attention to Tiktok a lot.

Although it said it has been more than five years since she discovered it and that she has moved on to something else, several people continue to tell him to recover the kidney.

A user jokes, "it's time to recover it, magnificent"

Likewise, another said "I know a guy who can recover it"

But, says that she will always be grateful to have been able to give someone a second chance in life, despite the circumstances.

However, it is always fun to joke about it now, she said.

One of the best comments from a Tiktok user said: "Girl sleep with everyone he loves his father Maman Sister Grammy"

Then made a video of response to this comment, while she was holding her mouth open and the audio "The woman was too stunned to speak" played in the background.

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The has since made several videos on the traumatic event and has changed its bio Tiktok into "just a girl living a normal life with 1 kidney"

In a video, it is written: "Present yourself and the sentence that broke you".The video then cuts it in a hospital bed with the screen that reads: "You only donate your kidney to look good.»»

Well, the ex should live with the fact that he could not survive without her.His loss.

She has since reached more than 10,000 subscribers on Tiktok.

Sydney Taylor is a writer who focuses on topical and entertainment subjects.