Two nursing assistants condemned for having photographed a patient with a polyhandicate patient

Two ex-assistants from a specialized Cutin (North) reception house were sentenced to suspended prison and a ban on exercising for five years for dressed in sexy underwear and then photographed a heavy patientpolyhandicapped, according to lawyers.

Reading aussian assignments sentenced to violence on a resident of EHPAD

The management of the establishment had dismissed the oldest, two years from retirement, and had not renewed the fixed -term contract of his colleague, in his twenties, after the discovery of the facts dating from September 2020,According to lawyers confirming information from La Voix du Nord.The Douai Correctional Court sentenced them Tuesday to five and three months suspended prison sentence and damages of a few hundred euros, for voluntary violence without incapacity on vulnerable person likely to cause psychological trauma, and to capture and dissemination ofSexual images.

During a night's work in September, they had dressed in "erotic" underwear, brought by them, a 38-year-old patient whose mental age is that of a six-year-old child, according to medical expertise.They then took her picture, that they showed colleagues.Was it to humiliate and make fun of her?Or with his consent and to "please" a resident described by the defense as "very flirtatious and female"?

Deux aides-soignantes condamnées pour avoir photographié en dessous affriolants une patiente polyhandicapée

According to the victim's lawyer - "who no longer has a family and is placed under supervision" provided by an association - this was "imposed"."It's shocking", explains Me Pierre-Jean Gribouva, while stressing that it is an "isolated act", and that the supervision keeps "confidence" in this establishment."There are no intentional elements to humiliate," says Sarah Bensaber, experienced caregiver advice, who has known the victim since "the 2000s".His client "expressed regrets".

According to defense lawyers, lingerie had no sexual connotation."There was a lightness on the part of my client but absolutely nothing humiliating, malicious," said Me Alban Deberdt, lawyer for the young caregiver who also made "fine honorable"."It was to brighten up his life (..) It is not because we are disabled that we cannot have moments of gaiety and the freedom to dress as we wish.She chooses her clothes saying yes or no.There she didn't say no, ”says Alban Deberdt.The two lawyers plan to appeal, seeing in the prohibition to exercise a "social death".

See also-"I was at the end of the roll": this nursing assistant victim of a burn-out aggravated by the COVVI-19 crisis testifies