United States: the judge finds "inappropriate" a prison sentence for a rapist


Although having pleaded guilty for four sexual assaults, a 20 year old young man remains free but with 8 years of proof.

Michel Pralong

After the Verdict announcement, one of the victims went to vomit in the toilet.This week, a young man of 20 years from the county of Niagara, in New York state, was tried when he had pleaded guilty of third degree rape, attempted sexual abuse and two other crimes.He risked up to 8 years in prison.But the judge condemned him in place at 8 years of parole and to be registered on the list of sex offenders.

"I am not ashamed to say that I in fact prayed to find out what would be appropriate in this case because there was great pain," said the judge by reading the sentence."There was great evil.There have been several crimes committed.It seems to me that a penalty that implies incarceration or partial incarceration is not appropriate, "he concluded, writes the" New York Times ".He gave no other explanation on the reasons why the penalty did not include a prison sentence, apart from that the probation penalty would be like a "sword of Damocles suspended on the head of the young man".

A party house

The accused was tried to have raped in the home of her parents in 2018 a 16 -year -old girl.The latter spent the night in this home renowned for his parties when the boy, also a teenager at the time, had invited her to his room before throwing himself on her.He had undressed her by telling him to stop making the baby and the unhappy said she concentrated her mind on the leaves of a green plant throughout the time of sexual assault.

États-Unis: Le juge trouve «inappropriée» une peine de prison pour un violeur

The young man, pupil of a prestigious private school, also appeared for having attacked three other young girls, two of 16 years and one of 15 years between 2017 and 2018.All the facts occurred in the home of his parents.During the arrest of their son, the mother had been charged for providing marijuana and alcohols to teenage girls during celebrations organized in the house.And the father and a friend had also been charged for serving alcohol for minors.They all pleaded not guilty.

He breaks the prohibition of porn

The young man faced more serious charges but, in 2019, he had agreed to plead guilty of rape and attempted sexual abuse, which had made it possible, during an intermediate judgment, to condemn him to 2 years ofprobation.With the condition that, if he respected the terms of the agreement, he would be tried as a young offender during the final judgment, which would allow him to escape prison and registration on the list of sex offenders.But last month, he broke one of the conditions that forbade him to look at pornography, admitting.The judge therefore refused to treat him as a young offender.

However, the magistrate did not want a firm prison.The accused, during the trial said he experienced "a lot of remorse", claiming that "thanks to treatment and reflection, I came to feel a deep shame and a deep regret for my actions.None of you deserved to be in this situation, "he said to his victims.

Pace that he is white and easy

For the lawyer for one of them, "justice has not been done today.The first judge had declared that if the accused was to deviate from the strict standards established during probation, there would be serious consequences.There was no.The accused is privileged, he comes from an easy family, he is white.He is condemned as an adult, appropriately.But for an adult, getting away with these crimes without doing a prison sentence is unfair ".

The young man will have to appear again in court in early December to decide what degree he will have to be classified on the list of sex offenders.