Vaccination: already 3,500 requests for the QR Polynesian Code Vaccination: already 3,500 requests for the QR Polynesian code

Après plusieurs semaines de préparation, le Pays propose des certificats de vaccination sous forme de QR code. S’ils ne sont pas équivalents à un pass sanitaire, ils permettent de voyager plus facilement et de fréquenter les lieux publics restreints en métropole et en Europe. Devant le nombre importants de demandes en ligne, les autorités peinent pour l’instant à tenir les délais.Vaccination : déjà 3 500 demandes pour le QR code polynésien Vaccination : déjà 3 500 demandes pour le QR code polynésien Vaccination : déjà 3 500 demandes pour le QR code polynésien Vaccination : déjà 3 500 demandes pour le QR code polynésien

This is not the end of paper notebooks, but it is a "new possibility" for vaccinated, explains the COVVI platform.Since the start of the week, the Health Department has issued "vaccination certificates".A document written in English and French, in a format recognized by all European countries and especially which bears a "QR code", a sort of two-dimensional barcode, certifying information.The certificate, which can also be printed, is above all intended to be imported on the "allanticovid" mobile application, used on a national scale.The code, accompanied by the name and date of birth of the carrier, can then be scanned directly from the telephone of the vaccinated person, during the vaccination checks.In Tahiti, only boarding for an international flight requires this kind of procedure.In Europe and metropolitan France in particular, this proof of vaccination may be necessary to have access to certain public places and events.

Deadlines of several days

Polynesian travelers, who for some have encountered difficulties with their paper vaccination book, have been waiting for several weeks to have this QR code."It is much more practical in airports, especially when you have to move inside the European area," it is said to the COVIvin platform.But Polynesia, which has its own vaccination repertoire, first had to set up data exchange protocol with national printing works and allanticavid publishers in mainland France."It was a small challenge to set up," said Romain Flory, head of the "Process and Data" cell at the COvid platform.

Vaccination : déjà 3 500 demandes pour le QR code polynésien Vaccination : déjà 3 500 demandes pour le QR code polynésien

The other challenge was to make the procedure fluid on the user side.The request form, to be completed on is relatively simple, and only requires a photo of the paper vaccination book and its identity document.It also makes it possible to integrate vaccinations made outside Polynesia (with locally recognized vaccines) or incomplete vaccine scheme (a vaccine scheme is only considered complete in metropolitan France that 14 days after the last dose of Pfizeror 28 days after the single dose of Janssen).A few clicks and a few minutes at most.But the processing of demand can be much longer."The objective is to be as effective as on the management of travelers, that is to give an answer within 48 hours," continues the manager, who is also a digital health project manager at the management of theHealth.But we knew we were going to have to face a peak of commands at startup ".3,500 requests within the first 72 hours, probably thousands of others this Friday.To treat them, a team of 10 people: "Depending on the treatment, we will adjust", explains Romain Flory, who calls the first applicants for "patience", without engaging in a response time.

The most in a hurry can nevertheless report: the DeMarche helps prioritize those who justify a flight to the metropolis in the coming days.

Not a "health pass"

In France, as in the overseas departments, evidence of vaccination, immunization or negative test, gathered in a "health pass", will be requested, from July 21, to access all "leisure places »over 50 people.And from the current of August, restaurants, cafes, or shopping centers will also be affected.The Polynesian QR Code, once imported on all anticovid, may well serve as a "pass", in France as in the rest of Europe.But it does not allow, in Polynesia, to set up the same system."The European health pass incorporates several components," says Romain Flory.In Polynesia, we focused on this single vaccination certificate ".

At the COVVID platform, we assure that no project has currently been launched to adapt the certificates of immunization or negative tests.And on the country or the haussear, no announcement was made to extend the health pass system to Polynesia.Until proven otherwise, therefore, QR code is only used to travel, and only to the metropolis.The United States is content to request negative PCR tests before departure.