Wearing (or not) a bra: what impact on health?

The "No-Bra" movement, which consists in emancipating oneself from the bra, is increasingly popular with French women. The opportunity to wonder about its possible consequences… What happens when you stop wearing a bra?

During confinement, French women aged 18 to 25 discovered the comfort of “No-Bra”, a trend which consists of no longer wearing a bra. This is confirmed by an Ifop study, released last July, which shows in particular that the proportion of French women no longer wearing a bra has increased from 4% before confinement to 18% today among the least 25 years old.

Faced with this practice, which seems to continue, many are wondering about the possible harmful consequences. According to Carole Maître, gynecologist, not wearing a bra does not involve any risk for the skin or the aging of the breasts.

"The only caveat would be for overweight women or those with large breasts." Another scenario, women who practice sport: "Doing a marathon without a bra can stretch the small ligaments."

Breasts don't sag more without a bra

Jean-Denis Rouillon, sports doctor and author of a study on the subject, published in 2013, had the opportunity to observe in certain women followers of "No-Bra" the disappearance of small stretch marks after six weeks.

On the other hand, he points out the case of women who at menopause experience a relaxation of the connective tissue: "We then notice a weight gain in the breasts, which can lead to neck pain, back pain or even entrapment syndromes when the braces compress the breasts. nerves."

If he does not encourage women to throw away their bras, our expert nevertheless invites them to "switch to bras, without elastics".

Porter (ou non) un soutien-gorge : quel impact sur la santé ?

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Choosing the right bra

Opt for bras made of natural, untreated materials and an underwire compatible with your shape. For large breasts: models without underwiring, with very flat, adjusted straps, which do not mark the skin, provide good support.

Not wearing a bra enhances natural support

If some French women are fond of fine lingerie, Jean-Denis Rouillon warns about the material of certain bras. "Most are made of synthetic material, coated fabrics. The worst are the 'antiodors' or 'antibacterials'. If this added chemistry is minute, it is enough to induce eczema or irritation."

As for the push-up, star of the 90s, it is now subject to debate. The reason: with its system of whales, its reinforcements are very compressive: "The push-up can cut off blood circulation, even lymphatic circulation. And that can damage the skin", adds Jean-Denis Rouillon.

According to him, it is important that weightlessness is exerted on the breasts, because this is what strengthens the natural support tissues. "If you put on a lumbar belt when you don't need it, and take it off, it will be catastrophic. All these braces are counterproductive because the connective tissue is extremely important. Unfortunately, we don't talk about it never."

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In video: "No-bra": More and more people are dropping the bra

"Removing your bra is showing the immense diversity of real breasts"

Three questions to Camille Froidevaux-Metterie, researcher and professor of political science, author of "Seins, in search of a liberation" (Anamosa editions).

What drives women to stop wearing bras?

There is the search for comfort but also the desire to accept their breasts as they are, without casting them into the mold of molded or padded bras. Removing her bra is revealing the moving flesh of the breasts, the nipples as well. In a word, it shows the immense diversity of women's “real” breasts.

The bra was designed to liberate the woman. How did we arrive at this object of constraint?

At the end of the 19th century, the bra freed women from corsets, until in the 90s the invention of the push-up "re-corsetized". Bras then become formatting tools intended to homogenize the breasts, by making them correspond to the aesthetic ideal: the half-apple, ie breasts that are sufficiently large, high and firm.

Do you think the "No-Bra" trend will continue?

Confinement has allowed women to experience a new relationship with their bodies, freed from the gazes that weigh on them in the public space. They could choose to no longer wear makeup, heels or bras.

Read alsoAuthor: Ana BoyrieOur experts: Dr Carole Maître, gynecologist and sports doctor at Insep & Dr Jean-Denis Rouillon, sports doctor & Camille Froidevaux-Metterie, researcher and professor of political science. Article published on