What is this panty challenge that pisses a lot of people off?

Published on06 July 2016 at 11: 10 AM

The panty challenge has been making a lot of noise on social media in the last few days. What the hell is that?

In the last few days, a challenge on social media has made a lot of talk about him. This is the "panty challenge" which consists of taking a picture of your own panties to show that you wash well. While this challenge has been in existence for more than a year, it has only just been noticed and everyone is getting excited. In 2015, DayDay wrote on Twitter: "the challenge of clean panties on Facebook, I was the only one who posted a picture of the underwear I wore … all of you bands of Pu * were ashamed of your disgusting lingerie". Elegant, isn't it? but in the end, few people posted pictures of their own panties. There was indeed Britanny who was delighted to have provoked such a tidal wave of reactions on social networks. The hashtag # pantychallenge became a trending topic on Twitter. But the photos of this Britanny, whose Facebook profile is rather uninteresting, are the only two that have been shared by everyone who got mad at the challenge. Our colleague in Rue89 tried to contact her, but without success. Since then, other women have started posting pictures of their panties, but this time dirty or filled with rather funny objects. With these photos, they want to show that it is healthy and normal to have vaginal secretions, which is true. Other people noticed that this challenge was not based on anything and that in the end, few people participated in it. "people who go crazy about the # pantychallenge that doesn't even seem to exist, I love you Internet," wrote Alice Jones.A lot of noise for nothing, so, for a "fake buzz", but that at least allowed some people to learn that vaginal secretions were not dirty.

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Qu'est-ce que ce Panty challenge qui énerve beaucoup de monde?