Wrinkles, spots, lack of firmness ... 10 anti-aging solutions without surgery

Injections, peelings, laser... Entre les toutes dernières techniques esthétiques et celles qui ont fait leurs preuves, tour d’horizon des soins les plus efficaces et les plus sûrs.Rides, taches, manque de fermeté… 10 solutions anti-âge sans chirurgie Rides, taches, manque de fermeté… 10 solutions anti-âge sans chirurgie

Without scalpel, without passing through the operating room or anesthesia, with little social eviction and quick results...Aesthetic medicine continues to attract more and more women.

However, "aesthetic techniques remain a medical gesture which must be practiced with the same requirement of means and security as any other medical act", insists Dr. Nadine Pomarède, dermatologist.In other words, do we beware of unrealistic and angry promises, snoring titles or that do not mean anything, as well as information to say the least insufficient on the techniques proposed.Our selection of the most satisfactory youth blows strategies.

1.The wrinkle between eyebrows

It is a ride that annoys because it gives the severe air.

The solution: botulinum toxin, "essential to treat muscle contraction wrinkles on the forehead", notes Dr. Pomarède.Three of them are authorized in aesthetics: Vistabel, Azzalure, and Bocouture, and their drug status guarantees greater safety.Officially, only surgeons, ophthalmologists and dermatologists have the right to use them.

In practice: count one to two sessions - it is better a retouching than a frozen front -, spaced fifteen days: this is the time required for botulinum toxin to act.The injection is not painful, and unless the needle meets a small vessel on its way, it does not create a brand.Headaches are possible after injection.The result lasts on average six months.

The price: from 200 to 300 €.

Read also: aesthetics: how to find pretty eyebrows

2.Wrinkles around the eyes

"The goal is to open the eye, while keeping a few wrinkles because a smooth face does not necessarily rejuvenate, especially if the neck, neckline or hands betray your age," says Dr. Marie-Thérèse Bousquet, aesthetic doctor.

The solution: injections of botulinum toxin to describe the wrinkles of the goose's paw;Laser C02 split to blur wrinkles under the eyes and densify the skin, heat stimulating fibroblates.

In practice: count for the laser two to three sessions spaced six weeks apart, and after each of them, three to five days off because the laser causes redness and swelling.

The price: around € 300 injections, 200 to 500 € the laser session.

3.A lack of splendor

Rides, taches, manque de fermeté… 10 solutions anti-âge sans chirurgie

To have young and luminous skin, correct a grayish or olive complexion counts as much, or even more, as eating some wrinkles.

The solution: "Without question, the superficial peeling.Without healing, it is the best skin maintenance care, "said Dr. Pomarède.At fruit acids, this peel exfoliates the superficial layers of the skin and leaves no visible trace."With a clearer, brighter, more uniform complexion, you win ten years!»Says Dr. Bousquet.

In practice: program three to four sessions spaced from 15 days to three weeks restores radiance, unifies the complexion and tightens the pores.The result lasts about a year if you protect yourself well from the sun.

The price: from 50 to 120 € per session.

Read also: peeling or laser?What technique to find a brilliant complexion?

4.Always look tired

"This is the most frequent demand.The dug features are due to the sagging of the skin and the loss of volumes, "explains Dr Bousquet.

The solution: the injections of hyaluronic acid to fill the areas concerned, the temples, the dark circles, the valley of tears (under the circle, between the cheekbones and the nose), the nasogenian furrows (between the nose and the mouth)....

In practice: the injection is not very painful and it normally leaves no trace.The result, visible immediately, lasts ten to twelve months.

Hyaluronic acid is a medical device controlled by the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM).The offenses are always possible, and the PIP prostheses scandal in 2011 is there to remind us.But the agency's inspection campaigns between 2009 and 2011 are rather reassuring.

The price: from 500 to 800 € depending on the quantity injected.

5.All dehydrated skin on the neckline and hands

Very fine, very dry skin easily takes a crumpled appearance when they are not sufficiently hydrated.

The solution: injections in very fluid hyaluronic acid therapy, called Skin Booster, which hydrate in depth and relaunch in the skin the natural production of hyaluronic acid.

In practice: count two to three sessions spaced 15 days to three weeks.The results are very good.

The price: from 250 to 300 € per session.

Read also: sublimate your chest and neckline!

6.Wrinkles around the mouth

"A lip that retracts, which is less mobile when we speak in particular, gives a stroke of old!», Analysis Dr. Bousquet.

The solution: more or less volumizing hyaluronic acid injections.

The price: from 300 to 500 €.

Read also: Begining your mouth: Are the injections safe?

7.Stains on the face, neckline or hands

These small brown spots are caused by solar exhibitions.

The solution: the pigment laser or flash lamp, in one to two sessions depending on the importance of the stains and the wish of the person."Some women do not want to erase everything overnight because they fear reveal that they have done" something "," observes Dr Bousquet.

In practice: the session is uncomfortable more than painful, it leaves some redness which will have to be taken by protecting them with a sunscreen.

The price: from 100 to 250 € per session.

Read also: face, hands, neckline: all techniques to erase stains

8.The oval of the face that changes

"This start of relaxation is most often due to volume losses than a lack of firmness," said Dr. Pomarède.

The solution: injections of hyaluronic acid to restore volumes of the average third party (valley of tears and cheekbones), enhance the skin very slightly and find a little curve.

The price: from 500 to 800 € depending on the quantity injected.

9.A lack of firmness

Face or body, the amount of collagen in the skin decreases with age.However, this molecule, with elastin, gives the skin its flexibility, its resistance and its elasticity.

The solution: remodeling lasers or radiofrequency or infrared devices.The energy they deliver in the skin leads to a denaturation of collagen, followed by beneficial reshaping.It also stimulates fibroblasts to produce more collagen.

In practice :

In the absence of comparative clinical studies, it is difficult to know which model is the best.In all cases, low energy is emitted, coupled with a cooling system.

Despite everything, the skin remains red a few days after the session.The result is not immediate, it appears after several months.Hence the importance of discussing well before with your doctor: what will you offer if treatment is a failure?Count minimum two to three close sessions, then one to two per year for the interview.

The price: € 800 A session that targets the face, neck and neckline.

Good to know: the hormonal treatment of menopause helps maintain and correct the amount of collagen in the dermis.

10.Small beads on the belly and above the knees

Belly, bras of the bra, interior of the thighs or above knees, some small beads tend to settle over years.

The solution: cryolypolysis is the most used process when the skin is still toned.The cold causes the destocking of fatty cells, and studies evoke a loss of 30 % on average in treatment.

In practice : l’appareil est muni d’une ventouse que le médecin place sur le corps.The session lasts about an hour, and it causes redness that disappears after one to two weeks.It takes one to three months before observing the result.

The price: from 650 to 1,500 € depending on the zones.

Read also: Reduce cellulite by cold with cryolipolysis?

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Auteur :
Nathalie Courret
Dr Marie-Thérèse Bousquet, médecin esthétiqueDr Nadine Pomarède, dermatologue esthétique
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