You will never guess everything you can do with a trombone

By Alexandre Lesueur

Long used to collect documents, the trombone is actually, being an ally of everyday life.Discover without further delay, 5 tips to make with a simple trombone.

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Originally, made of bronze, it was used to bring together important documents.Around the 18th century, it became a mass product.Today, it is a must for office supplies.But if its main utility remains the same, it has since largely declined.Now the trombone has many facets.Zoom on 5 tips to make with a simple little trombone!

Swimmer back

Use a trombone to transform a classic bra into a swimming back bra.You just have to arm yourself with a trombone and your bra and then connect the two suspenders from it to the middle of the back in order to convert it to a swimmer back.


Closing your bracelet around your wrist can sometimes be very complicated.The impression that he is too short, one of the sides that slides and no one around who to ask for help.Do not panic, start by unfolding a trombone so as to form a hook with one of its ends.Then pass this hook in the bracelet loop before maintaining it with its other end with your hand fingers on the wrist from which you want to attach your bracelet.In this way, your second hand is perfectly free to close the bracelet with ease!

Repair a zipper

Vous ne devinez jamais tout ce que vous pouvez faire avec un trombone

Who has not known the nightmare of a breaking zipper?We then find ourselves annoyed to open or close the bag or fly of our pants.However, you just have to replace the closure with a trombone.Fix it so that you can use it to open or close your zipper.

A phone station

A less known, but yet effective tip.Unfold one or two trombones so that you can put your smartphone there.

Bank tickets

Again, nothing very complicated!Just slide the folded tickets into the trombone.Easy, right?

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