Activists claim the right to carry the hijab in women's football

The Council of State to decide.Pro-Hijab activists have seized the highest administrative jurisdiction in France to claim the right to wear the veil during official sports competitions, especially for women's football matches, reports Le Figaro, Friday, November 26.Noël Le Graët, president of the FFF, had rejected a first request from this collective of activists.Hence the entrance to the Council of State.

For Jean-Éric Schoettl, former secretary general of the Constitutional Council, who signed a forum in Le Figaro, a decision of the Council of State in favor of the wearing of the veil in football would "fall a strategic bastion of the resistance to theIslamism in sport ".

The FFF prohibits the hijab in its competitions

Previously, parliamentarians had already underlined in a report dating from 2017 that "radicalization no longer [had] placed only in prisons, but in sports circles," reports Jean-Éric Schoettl in his gallery.

Des militantes réclament le droit de porter le hijab dans le foot féminin

Reading Aussisoudan: The Women's Football Revolution

Le règlement de la FFF interdit « tout port de signe ou tenue manifestant ostensiblement une appartenance politique, philosophique, religieuse ou syndicale»», le hijab en fait logiquement partie (pour les sportifs aussi bien que pour les entraîneurs ou toute autre personne de ce milieu). Il est pourtant autorisé par la Fédération internationale de football (Fifa), mais les deux instances sont totalement indépendantes.

The Minister of Sports Roxana Maracineanu was not interrogated recently on this specific subject.In 2019, when Décathlon had been controversial by marketing a running hijab, she had not clearly taken up position but she had declared this: "My role is to promote sport for all in a logic of progress, inclusion, ofrespect for others and diversity.»»