BAC 2022: the Pétanque option arrives at the Lycée du Golfe de Saint-Tropez!

Students at the Lycée de Saint-Tropez will be able to take advantage of a new option for the baccalaureate. And for good reason, the petanque is coming to the program. MCE TV tells you everything from A to Z!

LAC: what do we need to know?

It's no secret to anyone, graduation is no small thing to do. And for good reason, high school students are often very stressed about taking this exam. Ouch!

It must be said that the Baccalaureate is a real springboard for their studies. And since the arrival of the Covid, the situation has become more complicated. Indeed, the virus has come to disrupt the proper functioning of things.

In short, high school students find themselves lost. But Don't panic, there are many tips to get the best out of your trials. In fact, some of the councils are absolutely to be put in place.

High school students who pass the baccalaureate cannot escape the test of the Grand oral. Moreover, in order to pass this examination, it is necessary to wear proper clothing. It is also necessary to manage one's stress in order to express oneself clearly.

So there is no more secret: high school students must be sure of themselves and think about it before answering questions. In this way, the different tests of the baccalaureate will no longer have any secrets for them.

Bac 2022: l’option pétanque débarque au lycée du Golfe de Saint-Tropez !

In fact, this year, high school students at Saint-Tropez High School will be able to enrol in an amazing option for the baccalaureate. And yes, petanque is part of the program. MCE TV is telling you more!

Petanque as a new option?

As every year, senior high school students have to choose their options for the baccalaureate. There are many Latin, music and drawing. And yes, there is something for all tastes. That way, everyone can find shoes to their feet.

But this year, the Lycée du Golfe de Saint-Tropez decided to do differently for the baccalaureate. And for good reason, a new and astonishing option is then offered to his students.

In fact, the principal of the high school then told our colleagues in La Marseillaise: "it was not won. Little by little, the teachers created their sequence. At home, they teach petanque for 4 to 6 weeks in their sequence. "

In fact, it seems that the Pétanque option is a huge success. Many students therefore rely on this new option to obtain their baccalaureate.

But in reality, this new discipline seems to be put in place to avoid indoor sports. The principal also explained: "we found that overweight students, those with difficulties, difficulty running, or who did not like the sport, were more attracted to this kind of activity that remains sporting. "

Before going on: "we have therefore included this activity in adapted sport and students who are unable to pass the baccalaureate because they have a disability or difficulties will be able to take this event in the final year of the baccalaureate. "

But that's not all. In fact, for this new baccalaureate test, high school students will be rated on different aspects of the discipline. And for good reason, the teachers will look at their strategy, their shooting and the booster.

One thing is certain, high school graduates Don't seem to be at the end of their surprises. But after the petanque, what will be the next novelty? So this is a case to follow.