Back to sports: the essentials for the return to the gym

Whether you are a novice or an expert in the gym, the important thing to practice well is to have the right equipment… and to sweat a little too! If many of us decide to start the school year on the right foot by enrolling in a gym, very few of us keep our commitment in the long run. And this weakening of motivation comes, in part, from the fact that we do not exercise the sport indoors in sufficiently optimal conditions. It wouldn't occur to you to play tennis without a racquet, would it? So why do fitness or Zumba without wearing the right shoes? The quality of the gym equipment is a decisive criterion, not only to promote your full involvement, but also to allow you to progress and quickly notice the first effects on your figure.

Rentrée sportive : les indispensables pour le retour à la salle de sport