C-SCPC and the CMDT: The reasons for the anger

The atmosphere is not good between the CMDT and the cotton producers. The latter put the reasons for their anger in the public square, during a press conference, held last Sunday, after an extraordinary general meeting at their headquarters in the river district. These are mainly the ongoing maneuvers for the dissolution of the GIE in charge of the distribution of agricultural inputs and the appointment of the provisional administrator whose gracious ordinance has just been canceled.C-SCPC and the CMDT: The reasons for the anger C-SCPC and the CMDT: The reasons for the anger

The office of the Confederation of Cotton Producers' Societies (C-SCPC) and the Malian Textile Development Company (CMDT) no longer spin perfect love. The delegates from the cotton federations and sectors took part last Sunday in an extraordinary general assembly, the agenda of which focused on the situation that prevails between their umbrella body and the CMDT, which is none other than its traditional partner and whose she is a shareholder. The works were sanctioned by a press conference.

The speakers, President Bakary Koné of the C-SCPC, its 1st Vice-President and President of the regional federation Fana-OHVN, Tiassé Coulibaly and its General Treasurer Mamadou Konaté in turn accused the CMDT of being the origin of the gracious ordinance n°32 of September 1, 2021 appointing Souleymane Fomba to the position of administrator of C-SCPC for 6 months. Which, according to them, is contrary to their statute and regulations. It is for this reason, they say with a copy of the gross in hand, that the same order was canceled by the court.

In the eyes of the producers, the current steps aimed at dissolving the EIG for the distribution of fertilizers and agricultural inputs, to attach it to the CMDT is a provocation. According to Tiassé Coulibaly and Bakary Koné, the GIE exists in all peasant cooperatives, whether in Mali or elsewhere. Theirs was created on January 1, 2008 for a lifespan of 99 years. The C-SCPC assumes the presidency and the secretariat position falls to the CMDT and the OHVN. It aims to overcome the difficulties that the CMDT had in carrying out a healthy distribution of agricultural inputs.

C-SCPC and CMDT: The reasons for the anger

“The statutes and rules of procedure of the GIE can only be modified 6 months before the elections within the C-SCPC. However, there is no more election, ”explained Mr. Koné. Tiassé Coulibaly added that "agricultural inputs are exclusively the domain of farmers who are the users even if the process takes place with the CMDT which stores them in its stores to make them available to agricultural cooperatives". For them, bringing the activities of the GIE into the fold of the CMDT aims to satisfy unacknowledged personal interests.

Hidden calendars

Another act taken and frowned upon by cotton growers is the dismissal last Friday of the general administrator of the CMDT subsidiary of Kita, without the opinion of the producers. The speakers agree that they have nothing against such a decision taken by the employing service of the person concerned. But they support the hardworking qualities of the dismissed administrator. "Since he was appointed to this position, Kita has improved his cotton production rate year by year from 31,000 tons to 74,000 tons last season, the year of boycott of cotton cultivation across the country”, indicated Mr. Konaté of the subsidiary of Kita.

Bakary Koné and his fellow producers believe that people have hidden political agendas to put farmers back to back. President Koné invited the authorities of the transition to remain vigilant on what is in the making and which he considers detrimental to the cotton sector. He reiterated the support of producers to Colonel Assimi Goïta for his efforts on their behalf with the increase of the kilo of seed cotton to 280 CFA francs and the drop in the price of fertilizers to 11,000 CFA francs per bag.

Abdrahamane Dicko

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