Can we tolerate cooler outfits at the office in the summer?

According to an Opinion Way survey for Monster dating from 2016, 4% of employees say they are completely free in their summer look at the office and 26% believe that their company's dress code does not allow not fancy. Should we be more tolerant about the dress code? For and against.


With the arrival of sunny days and the rise in mercury, many employees want lighter and more colorful outfits than the traditional strict winter suit (or dress). It makes sense and a manager doesn't have much to say about it. Remember, everyone is free to dress as they see fit in the office (this is obviously not the case on an industrial site or construction site) provided that the outfit remains decent. In the world of digital or communication, it's been a long time since anyone respects a formatted dress code: the apparent relaxation is even highly recommended. The ultimate being to wear cool chic, luxury brand t-shirts, white sneakers and a fitted jacket. In the end, isn't the important thing that the work is done well, and on time? The rest…

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Can we tolerate cooler outfits at the office in the summer?

Remember: a few years ago, "Friday wear" was fashionable. On Fridays in the offices, we could come in cooler clothes than during the rest of the week. The problem is that, for some, it's Friday wear every day! In summer, if we are not careful, they would even come in shorts and flip-flops. These slippages are obviously unthinkable in sectors such as banking or auditing, where rigor must be read in appearance. Similarly, those who are in contact with customers will leave their imaginations in the locker room. Above all, be wary of outfits that are too loose, not always to the advantage of those concerned themselves if they do not have the physique to wear light or close-fitting clothes. It's better to have a go-anywhere suit that hides imperfections better! If you want to be too original, you especially risk being ridiculous…

By Laurent Tylski, CEO of Acteo Consulting

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