Can we wear sneakers in the office?

By Estelle Delpechpartagerenvoyer by e-mail
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Je certifie ne pas envoyer d'e-mail indésirableSur le lieu de travail, la chaussure de sport a acquis de nouvelles aptitudes stylistique en réformant son aspect quelque peu négligé pour une allure faussement décontracté. À ne plus limiter au casual friday.

Since the Sportswear wave swept over the catwalks, to better invade the daily locker room, athletics sneakers, formerly relegated to weekend activities, are now busy at the office on Monday morning.This is where they offer a most effective stylistic efficiency, dragging the very formal work uniform.Our tips for carrying them without it costing you a warning.

Sneakers to avoid

A time dismissed, by breaking the company's dress code, the pair of sneakers is now admitted within the open-space, as long as it respects the clauses of its style contract: impeccably lactated, ofClassic design and imprint of a certain sobriety.Book Doncair Maxet Others Converse Esquinées for your leisure days for the benefit of Stan Smith Immaculate.Also turn running shoes that show a total stylistic incompetence here.Another reason for sanction: connections with colleagues in the streetwear industry like the hooded sweatshirt and the infrequent tracksuit..

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At work, the access of sneakers is subject to a correct outfit that begins with the choice of materials (varnished leather, mat, or even textiles), impeccable cleanliness and good support.And to clearly ensure your working girl function, multiply collaborations with the conventional pants tailor (which you can wear molten to cultivate the relaxed side), conscientious pencil skirt, or even the usual Jean Brut - to be attempted only if you havethe clothing agreement of your sector of activity...To dress the rest of the silhouette, a shirt or a blouse should allow you to keep the professional aspect.

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