You can't dress in the morning right now?Here is what you say about you

Mode - pajamas, jogging, slippers or bathrobes.At a time when confinement lives, we hope, its last hours in France, it is clear that the clothing habits of some of us have changed a lot since the start of the health crisis, at the end of the'winter 2020.

The time spent with us, far from offices, bars or any other place of sociability, is there for many, but is not resolved to what is (or not) now in our wardrobe.No, the period raises new questions, as with Marion, a young Parisian thirty -something, who for some time has broken down when he was dressed in the morning.

"I'm lost," she said to us in the tone of humor.Sometimes I open my closet and I find myself finding clothes that I had completely forgotten."In teleworking for an" infinite "time, she no longer wants to dress."I have jeans lying on a chair.When I got out of the shower, I take it back.There is a sweater.If it's hot, I put a T-shirt and then here, regrets this one.I turn around.»

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She's not the only one.Judith is in this same case.The young woman, also Parisian, has always loved dressing.What she loves are the leopard clothes.Today, none of that. Décider des habits qu’elle va porter au cours de la journée est devenu une expérience “douloureuse», nous confie-t-elle.


"I never feel satisfied at the moment, concedes the writer.Which did not go two years ago suits me even less today.Confinement plays a lot on this feeling.It’s complicated to love.When you feel good in your clothes, it stimulates you.When it is not the case, you feel stunted.» Elle se sent prise au piège.

Both testify in any case a loss of self -perception.The absence of new meetings is a factor, according to Bénédicte Régimont, author specializing in habitat psychology.The lack of perspective, also.“It starts to make it beautiful, the temperatures are milder.Normally, we would have released our spring little dress.But there, no.We are still in a hibernation phase. On ne nous laisse pas sortir de notre grotte», observe-t-elle.

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This Thursday, April 29, the new stages of the disconception were made public.The end of traffic restrictions was set for May 3.The reopening of the terraces, the 19th.Summer should be accompanied by the disappearance of the curfew.But now, what about all of this in the event of a new worsening of the epidemic?“The lack of certainty is problematic, continues Bénédicte Régimont.In the vagueness for a year, we have been developing dissatisfaction in many fields, including our clothes.»

Conjugate interior and exterior

Vous n'arrivez pas à vous habiller le matin en ce moment? Voici ce que ça dit de vous

Pierre, who tells us that he has gained weight in the past few months, is in the most total indecision, too, when he was dressed in the morning.And this, since September. “J’ai un dressing plein à craquer, mais il y a plein de choses dans lesquelles je ne me sens plus à l’aise», précise-t-il.The young auctioner no longer wants to make an effort.It frustrates him, he who attaches great importance to his normally appearance.

The state of resignation in which it is is not unrelated to the context."We are not allowed to access the changes conferred by spring, a period of renewal, informs Bénédicte Régimont.Stores are closed.The idea is not so much to buy new clothes, but to open up to novelty and to be inspired by it.»

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The big household does not take place.The renewal of our wardrobe, either.As the psychotherapist Catherine Bronnimann explains to us, this loss of reference leads to a lack of self -confidence."A more fragile identity presents itself to us, concedes the author of the psyche dress, an essay that weaves the links between psychoanalysis and fashion.We can no longer combine the interior and outside.We no longer really know who we are in front of our wardrobe.It reminds us of a past life.»

A new professional lifestyle

The situation is not easy every day, especially when you have to alternate work in the office and at home.This is what Sofia discovered. Quand le télétravail est arrivé dans sa vie, un monde nouveau s’est ouvert à elle: les vêtements “conforts».She rushes to buy three jogges, things she never wore. Elle a alors quitté “le masque social», selon Catherine Bronnimann, pour se tourner vers une expression plus libre, détachée des diktats du monde du travail.

In March, things changed when Sofia wins a new job in her field, communication.Unlike his previous job, he is asked to go to the office two days a week. “Il ne fallait pas que j’ai les mêmes vêtements à chaque fois», s’est dit cette dernière, inquiète.Which shoes to wear?How to dress in adequacy with this new company?She decides to call a coach in pictures, the one who accompanied her at the dawn of her 40th birthday to reinvent her style.

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The approach is carrier.In agreement with his tastes and his personality, the professional helped him select outfits.At home, it's more complicated.Before the first visio meetings of the morning, it chooses an appropriate high.Below, she keeps her jogging.“I make sure I don't have to get up at the time. Si quelqu’un sonne à ma porte, je coupe la caméra», explique-t-elle.

Sofia recognizes this: the tracksuit pants have limits, including morale.It may not be the best to attack the day, she begins to think. “Le bon moyen de trouver comment fonctionner en télé-travail, c’est encore en phase de transition», admet-elle, consciente qu’en étant bien dans ses vêtements, elle est aussi bien dans sa tête.

An essential choice

Deciding what we are going to wear on ourselves the rest of the day is not a trivial choice.It translates our state of mind.“When we feel ready to conquer the world, we are going to get out of our closet this garment that makes us feel powerful, illustrates Bénédicte Régimont.The choice of our clothes influences our mood, as our mood will influence the choice of our clothes.» Catherine Bronnimann partage cet avis."When in my office, people just not being satisfied with what they wear, they will be a little curved, not really present. Ça perturbe», constate-t-elle.

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This is an important decision.However, many press items accessible online are full of advice of all kinds to dress in the morning quickly, suggesting that it should not spend too much time there.It is reminiscent of the clothing habit that some men have, like the creator of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, who prefer to dress every day in the same way to save time for reflection in their day.

“Ne serait-ce pas lié au jugement selon lequel accorder de l’intérêt à son apparence vestimentaire serait futile? C’est faux, l’habit fait bien le moine», estime Catherine Bronnimann.Such a practice is, according to her, pernicious.“We lose an expression, we lose well-being.We underestimate this decision. Ce n’est certes pas primordial, mais c’est essentiel», assure-t-elle.

Bénédicte Régimont is more nuanced on this issue.The author, who has the same clothing several times, explains that by limiting her choice of clothes, we release her mind."I have two jeans, two black pants, two skirts and three dresses for the summer," says the latter.Optimizing your wardrobe simplifies lots of things.It can be beneficial to people who cannot decide as a rule.»

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Decide for us

Latitude, clothery, coat,....For several years, smartphone applications aimed at advising users on their way of dressing grow like mushrooms.This month, a news was born.Her name is Swiblu and was specially thought out to lend a hand in the morning.