Carcassonne: the traditional garage sale of rue Trivalle canceled

It’s an institution.A acclaimed meeting which has been part of Carcassonnaise culture for a quarter of a century: the garage sale of rue Trivalle organized at the foot of the city.Every first Sunday in September, the event brings together some 150 exhibitors.The following Saturday, it is the turn of his little sister, the Trivalal Festival, to be emulated on the Place de la Mutualité.But as in 2019, this year again, we will have to do without it.Like the Feria, the Trivalenc - Association of the inhabitants of the neighborhood - decided to cancel the two events due to the health context.

Canceled for the 2nd consecutive year

It was last Thursday that the association's board of directors decided.The news fell in the evening on social networks."We estimated that given the risks linked to the COVVI-19 epidemic, we could not guarantee the health security of exhibitors and visitors.Obviously, it is with sadness that this decision was ratified, "could read in a press release.

Contacted by us, the president of the association Le Trivalenc, Jean-Paul Gourmandin, says more."We discussed a lot between us.But despite the 115 exhibitors already registered, we decided not to maintain the event.Garage sales are considered full wind markets.Only the mask is compulsory there.But despite the order of the prefect of the Aude, we see everywhere that two in three people do not wear it.We considered that if people were not reasonable, maybe we had to be in their place.In the years the weather, there are a lot of people on rue Trivalle.We are talking about thousands of people.We don't want to take the risk of creating a cluster, "he said.

Carcassonne : le traditionnel vide-greniers de la rue Trivalle annulé

Same topo for the Trivalal Festival which should have been held on Saturday September 11.The evening in the tangy spirit with meals and orchestra generally welcomes between 120 and 130 guests.By maintaining the event, the association would have been obliged to request the health pass.An approach incompatible with the spirit of the evening as explained by Jean-Paul Gourmandin: "The Trivalal Festival is a very convivial and relaxed moment when most people know each other.Ask for the pass could have been problematic.In addition, it would have taken a small structure on site to control the documents, we could not have put this in place.It was better to cancel."See you next year ... crossing your fingers.