Closure of the Memphré medical clinic: the community mobilizes the reflection of the lake

HEALTH.A special committee has set up in response to the announced closure of the Memphré medical clinic which, for lack of doctors, will stop its activities next March (see other text).

This committee, trained at the initiative of the Memphremagog hospital foundation, brings together several healthcare partners, the CIUSSS of Estrie - CHUS, doctors, pharmacists, paramedics, the deputy forOrford Gilles Bélanger and the watch committee of the Memphremagog hospital.

A first meeting was held on October 15."The announced closure of the clinic will bring about 8,000 people from the region to have to turn to the one -stop shop to have a family doctor," says the foundation director, Pascale Gingras.There will be no miracle solution, but we think that by bringing together the key players in the middle, it will be possible to find ways to allow doctors to make more care.»»

La directrice soutient qu’une quinzaine de patients «orphelins»» ont accès quotidiennement au service sans-rendez de l’autre clinique magogoise, soit la Clinique du Lac.To meet the needs, this figure should be doubled in its opinion."If we had around thirty availability to the without appointment, that would be enough to allow non-urgent cases, the T4 and T5, to be taken care of without having to go to the emergency and to overload the system unnecessarily. Il faut trouver une façon d’aller chercher ce manque à gagner»», explique-t-elle.

Fermeture de la Clinique médicale Memphré: la communauté se mobilise Le Reflet du Lac

Despite the extent of the challenge and the fact that the lack of family doctors is a problem screaming everywhere in Quebec, Pascale Gingras remains optimistic for the continuation of things."There is a very strong sense of belonging in the region on all the challenges that affect health and the hospital.And it’s far from being the same elsewhere in the province. Cet esprit de communauté et le désir de trouver des solutions, tous ensemble, sont vraiment une force quand il y a des enjeux de la sorte»», souligne la gestionnaire.

Note that the special committee will meet again at the end of October.