Kaitlynn Carter Crump speaks of being ashamed of her mother for her "revealing" outfits

Crumpe Kaitlynn Carter parle d’avoir honte de sa mère pour ses tenues “révélatrices” Crumpe Kaitlynn Carter parle d’avoir honte de sa mère pour ses tenues “révélatrices”

Three months after giving birth to her first child, Kaitlynn Carter thinks that her mother is ashamed to wear “revealing” clothes.

The star of “Hills: New Beginnings”, 33, shared a photo gallery of her New Year's New Year's Eve on Instagram on Wednesday, where she was photographed in a cleavage combination Yves Saint Laurent, a look similar to D 'Others that she has gained warmth since he welcomed his son, Rowan, last fall with his boyfriend, Kristopher Brock.

"* Note* I have always read that women were criticized for their choices once they had become mothers, but this is my first personal experience with that," she started.

"In my time on Instagram, I have brought a certain number of outfits" revealing ", and no one was concerned.All of a sudden now it's so shocking! It is very sad for me that it is the world in which we live.We expect that we dress in a way before the children and another after, "observed the former reality TV star.

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"One of my biggest fears by becoming a mother was to lose who I was before.It turns out that I am almost exactly the same (with the addition of someone again that I am absolutely crazy), and I am so happy!

The blogger continued by explaining why it was important to find a sexy nye look after months of frustration with her wardrobe.

"I spent last year to fight to adapt to everything that was not oversized or maternity," she explained, "and I did not go shopping for myselfSince I had the baby, then New Year's Eve, I went to a store in Dallas and I asked the saleswoman not to show me that the sexiest evenings she had.She brought me this magnificent @YSL combination, and although my chest is currently much wider than usual because I get a child, my boyfriend and I loved her cup anyway.

Les clichés NYE ​​présentent la beauté buvant avec des amis, sautant sur un lit et un dernier cliché d’elle allaitant son fils.

She continued: "I said to myself:" It's my body right now, and I can either be ashamed and hide it, do what I want to do, that is to say to kiss and celebrate allthat my body is and was currently.For me last year.So I did what I wanted to do, and that's what women should be encouraged to do all the time.


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