Chronicle: Why are weather presenters so badly dressed?

Since television has existed, the weather bulletin has been an unmissable event: on TF1, it bothers up to 7 million viewers;On France 2, the Audimat oscillates between 3 million after the 1 p.m. and 5 million news after that of 8 p.m..Historically, the first Télé Météo Bulletin was broadcast on December 17, 1946 and presented by Paul Douchy.For years, this bulletin will be drawn up by meteorologists of national meteorology, and filmed in the premises of the Quai Branly before being delivered to Cognacq-Jay, located a stone's throw away.Responsible for a scientific, educational and educational service mission, this bulletin was initially weekly before turning daily in 1958, four years after the BBC had imposed the format.

Around the illustrated cards, the presenter's look didn't matter that it was dressed in a dark costume and that it was duly tie.The broadcasts by French television were then strictly monitored and above all experienced as thoughts: by its official origin, the weather bulletin was often considered as a "servitude", its diffusion being agreed by an intangible specifications.Suddenly, it was dry on the screen: delay in broadcasting for a few minutes due to the variability of other programs, delay in delivery of the recorded band.As for the famous speakerines, responsible for their reading in voiceover, they shipped the content, cut the text until modifying it.Actress of serial B, the blonde Jacqueline Huet found a life board by agreeing to speaker on TV.Always elegant and sexy, she will admit many years later that she had read the weather for the day before what she was not by the only one to do ...

"All these differences were systematically pinned by national meteorology to the ORTF ... Presenting the bulletin was a matter of scientists and journalists had no other role to play than to repeat word for word and image for image compounds not itsscholars producers ”says Geoffroy Guérinot, author of a brilliant memory entitled L'Image Public du Temps he does."During the announcement of the preparation of a second television channel in 1963, André ViaInd, director of national meteorology, immediately assured that only an official bulletin prepared by his administration was broadcast there".When, in 1969, Jacqueline Baudrier was appointed to the management of this second channel she resumed the project of a specific bulletin with a presenter, considering placing it ... a simple journalist.This cables the secretary general for civil aviation who moved by these words: "Given the danger of a presentation, more or less embellished with comments, by a journalist, the meteorology accepted, only at leastBy way of testing, this presentation is made by a meteorologist, as it is practiced by numerous foreign televisions ”.Next to the atomic threats of the Cold War, it was Roupie de Sansonnet.

Chronique : Pourquoi les présentateurs météo sont-ils si mal habillés ?

Exit the specific text of the meteorologist read by speaker: the modernity of the 70s will demand a presenter, a real one, guaranteeing the link between the forecasts and the public with his cards and a speech if not learned, any less popularized.Proverbs hay and sayings.Seriously.However, this same audience despite the presence of weather presenters began to deplore the austerity of the French bulletin, deemed too technical.It must be said that the BBC, in full swingin ’London, had decided to send the men to get men for new presenters dressed according to the time planned.Do not look further for the roots of Petula Clark's song, La Gadoue, trampled in 1966 by Gainsbourg, with boots in Caillou’tchouc.

"This gender battle for the presentation of the weather highlights the duality of the bulletin, both technical explanation and public information," continues Guérinot.The following will make feminists and wokes scream: in France, as meteorologists wanted to constantly maintain an image of expertise within the bulletin, the presenters remained for a long time men, engineers of national meteorology."Monsieur Météo" literally appeared by the letter from Jacqueline Baudrier who asked that management chooses the engineers who could insure the role.This expression therefore did not appear because only men were present, but because only men were to be this position ".As there is no statue of Mr. Météo, there is nothing to unclog, but that contextualizes the subject.