Compose a trendy look with boots: basic rules

How to choose your pair of boots depending on tamorphology?

To compose a trendy look with ankle boots, it is essential to choose the pair that flatters Tasilhouette as best as possible.Indeed, the pace they give to the whole of Tonlook differs according to your morphology.Before you go to the most trendy models, it is essential to determine thebottines that go.You can find boots for women adapted to all morphology the site of the Repetto store.

- If you have a slender silhouette and fine calves, all the forms of ankle.You can afford to play with all materials, colors, cuts and heels.However, avoids thatalons too thick as well as the too large boots at the desmollets level.

-If you are small and you have fine calves, the boots who arrive in mid-molec are to be avoided.These models tend to cut the leg and tamp your silhouette even more.It is not recommended to choose thick and massive heeled boots.Average to fine heels are ideal for flattering your silhouette.

Composer un look tendance avec des bottines : les règles de base

- For large and luscious women, it is advised from the orient to the boots that stop at the calves.For the shape of the shoe, opts for a pointuafin bout pair to balance your silhouette.You can afford all types of heels, fine to thick.

- If you are small and round, the boots with a height low values.In order to balance your silhouette, opt for thick heels and soles.Privileged flexible, neither too rigid nor too chilled materials, so that your boots marry the curves of your legs.

With which parts to combine boots to compose a trendy look?

Ankle boots are versatile modes that can be on any occasion.You can wear them with jeans, tailor pants, shorts, skirt or dress.

To compose a relaxed chic look, combine your pair of 7/8 jeans, a basic t-shirt and a jacket..

For a Working Girl look, opts for pants of flooring and white shirt.

The boots are also ideal for composing a girly look, associated with a short skirt and a knitted sweater.

Worn with slim jeans and a leather jacket, they are inappropriate to compose a perfect rock outfit for the evenings of.

Unlike some received ideas, you can wear boots for special occasions.You just have to opt for a high heel can and associate it with an evening dress.This daring composition is both original and very trendy in the moment.

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