Coronavirus: In Russia, the dachas take over service thanks to confinement

At first glance, nothing has changed. Through the palisades pierce the usual noises of the dacha. Sounds of nature waking up from a long winter, sounds of split wood with axes, of crumpled sheet metal. Cheerful exclamations, cries of children, crackling of the radios which, on this May 9, show a pronounced taste for old Soviet songs. That's it ! It is not a noise that is missing, rather a smell. Usually, the celebrations of Victory Day in 1945 are the occasion, after meditation, for happy barbecues between neighbours, friends, family... This year, the aroma of grilling is absent; the new coronavirus has got the better of shashlyki, the skewers to which Russians devote a real cult.Coronavirus: in Russia, dachas resume service in favor of confinementCoronavirus: in Russia, dachas resume service in favor of confinement

Instead, Yuri Rizer will settle for a small glass of sweet wine with his wife, Larissa, and the replay of a war movie. Above all, unlike usual, this 74-year-old retiree, a former municipal maintenance worker with hands like beaters, jogging pants and leather jacket, will not see his children and grandchildren. Since May 4, the couple has joined their dacha near Sergiev Posad, a locality located 80 kilometers from Moscow, famous for its Lavra (Orthodox monastery) of the Trinity-Saint-Serge. “I would not have imagined staying in Moscow, explains Yuri, who built his house with his own hands in 1980, in place of the terracotta hut built by his father. It's not just about comfort and space, you feel safer here. »

The calculation may seem surprising. The Covid-19 is hitting the capital as hard as its surroundings. More than half of the contaminations in Russia (now less than 10,000 per day) are recorded in the Moscow region. And the Lavra of Sergiev Posad, where pilgrims followed one another until mid-April to kiss sacred icons and relics with open mouth, has already recorded several cases among its monks. Above all, the local hospital is light years away, in terms of equipment, from modern Moscow establishments. “In the open air, the virus spreads less, reassures Yuri. And people have changed their habits. Even the market has been closed, local producers open the trunk of their car and sell their products. »

Massive greening

Coronavirus: In Russia, dachas resume service amid lockdown

Millions of Russians are fleeing confinement and its anxieties thanks to their second homes. Some have migrated for good, others are multiplying the round trips, waiting for the end of the week as a release. The Russian confinement, extended until May 31, may be just as strict as the French, the authorities have not banned these regular trips. There is even a specific pass, authorizing one round trip per week by car or train. At the entrance to the cities, police checkpoints check the conformity of the documents. Result: from the first announcement of containment, on March 27, car exits from Moscow increased by 15%. Demand for home rentals has exploded by 90%. And the movement accelerated with the arrival of fine weather.

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