COVID-19: contamination always at the highest, hospitalizations in critical care slightly decrease

Lives Company, Health

Like many countries, France is still in a phase of strong increase in the number of cases due to the omicron variant, which has become largely in the majority.

0Par Julie Cloris Le 15 janvier 2022 à 07h49, modifié le 15 janvier 2022 à 20h46

The essential

Relive the events of Saturday January 15:

20h45. C'est la fin de ce direct ! Nos équipes vous retrouvent dès demain matin pour vous tenir au courant des dernières informations relatives à la pandémie de Covid-19. Merci de nous avoir suivis tout au long de cette journée !

8:15 p.m..High decrease in the mobilization of anti-pass in France. Les manifestations des anti-passe sanitaire ont rassemblé 54 000 participants dans toute la France, selon le ministère de l’Intérieur.Despite numerous processions of processions throughout the country, it is almost twice as much as last week (105,200), which had been marked by a very clear mobilization of the mobilization.

7:55 p.m..An AFP team attacked during the anti-passe demonstration in Paris, their injured security guard. Une équipe de l’Agence France-Presse a été menacée de mort et agressée et un des agents de sécurité la protégeant blessé à la tête samedi à Paris, lors d’un rassemblement anti-passe vaccinal organisé par le mouvement Les Patriotes de Florian Philippot, ont relaté ses journalistes.An individual hooded with a megaphone said: "It's AFP, nick these whore sons," said the assaulted journalist.To this call, at least fifty people went to the videographer to do battle with her.Team protection officers have intervened, allowing the two image reporters to flee.The security guards were then struck, especially with batons, while protecting the videographer, caught up in around twenty demonstrators.The guards and journalists report having been threatened with death before one of the security guards received a bottle on his head, opening his scalp..

7:15 p.m..Slightly decreasing hospitalizations in the country. Si la pression hospitalière est toujours forte, c’est le 4e jour consécutif de baisse du nombre d’admissions quotidiennes en soins critiques (218), et le 3e jour consécutif de baisse du nombre de patients pris en charge en soins critiques (3 852).Contamination is always at the highest.With 324,580 positive cases identified in 24 hours, France exceeds the 300,000 contaminations per day for the fifth consecutive day.

19 hours.Tension with the police during a demonstration of anti-vaccins in Italy. Des moments de tensions avec la police et quelques légères échauffourées ont été enregistrés samedi après-midi lors d’une manifestation des anti-vaccins et anti-passe vaccinal dans le centre de Rome, a constaté l’AFP.About a thousand people had gathered for a sit-in, authorized by the police, on the Place de Saint-Jean de Lateran when a small group of demonstrators wanted to go into a procession, unauthorized, towards the historic center, isblocking vehicles of the police and police officers in riot attire.

6:45 p.m..A point on the figures of the COVVI-19 in France. Selon le dernier bilan de Santé publique France, 1 690 personnes ont été hospitalisés pour diagnostique Covid ces dernières 24 h, ce qui porte le nombre de personnes hospitalisées à 24 544.Among these hospitalized patients, 218 people have been admitted to critical care in recent 24 hours, units reserved for the most severe cases, against 310 the day before.In total, 3,852 patients occupy a bed in these services this Friday.They were 3,895 the day before and 3,821 a week earlier.

5:45 p.m..Opponents of the vaccination pass in many cities in France. Les opposants au passe sanitaire, qui va devenir un passe vaccinal, ont manifesté samedi en France, le jour même où de nombreuses désactivations devaient avoir lieu faute de rappel de vaccin anti-Covid.This Saturday, the demonstrators were 1,300 in Lyon, 1,140 in Nantes, 1,000 in Bordeaux, 950 in Rennes, 750 in Marseille, 650 in Clermont-Ferrand, according to the police or the prefectures.The figures are not yet known in Paris, where the most important procession was that of the Movement Les Patriotes, of the Pro-Frexit candidate for the presidential election Florian Philippot.105,200 demonstrators had been recorded the previous week by the Ministry of the Interior throughout France, four times more than the 25.500 From the previous mobilization on December 18.

5:35 p.m.. Le cannabis pourrait ofFrir une protection contre le Covid-19. Deux composés présents dans le chanvre – l’acide cannabigérolique, connu sous le nom de CBG-A, et l’acide cannabidiolique, connu sous le nom de CBD-A – seraient capables d’empêcher le Covid-19 de pénétrer dans les cellules saines, selon une étude menée par des chercheurs de l’Oregon State University (OSU) et de l’Oregon Health and Science University (et publié dans la revue The Journal of Natural Products), rapporte Slate.Fr.Rest assured, there is no question here of smoking cannabis to protect yourself from the virus, but of harvesting your two acids which have a good safety profile in humans to make a specific drug.

17 hours.The Omicron wave is at the highest in Germany. Avec environ 60 000 contaminations enregistrées chaque jour, les cas de COVID-19 sont toujours à leur pic Outre-Rhin, où le variant Omicron est désormais majoritaire.The new data of the German health authorities seem to confirm that the new variant is less virulent than its predecessor Delta.

4:35 p.m..A case of omicron detected in Beijing, three weeks before the Winter Olympic Games. Cette annonce intervient après que Zhuhai, ville côtière de 2,4 millions d’habitants du sud-est du pays, près de Macao, a imposé des restrictions de déplacements, suite à la découverte de sept cas de contamination par le variant Omicron.Millions of Chinese have been ordered to stay at home in recent weeks, dozens of domestic flights have been canceled and whole factories closed, the authorities seeking to curb the epidemic as the Olympics approaches, which mustOpen on February 4.

4:15 p.m..The self -test "made in France" is gaining momentum. Neuf fabricants Français en produisent jusqu’à 24 millions par mois dans le pays, soit 40 % de ce qui est distribué dans les pharmacies et les grandes surfaces. Un chifFre qui pourrait doubler en quelques semaines, selon le ministère de l’Industrie. À condition qu’aucune pénurie ne Freine ces ambitions.Our article is to read right here.

4:05 p.m.. Une nouvelle polémique autour du Dr Fauci aux États-Unis ? Le parti républicain a révélé le 11 janvier des courriels, jusqu’à présent censurés, de l’agence américaine de la santé sur la pandémie de Covid-19.These exchanges show that some experts, including the infectiologist Anthony Fauci, have from the start the track of the laboratory leak, thereafter voluntarily minimized.We explain to you in our dedicated article.

3:45 p.m..At least four demonstrations against the vaccination pass in Paris. De nombreux Français sont toujours dans les rues ce samedi pour protester contre le projet de loi renforçant les outils de gestion de la crise sanitaire.In Paris, four declared processions already beat the cobblestones, one of them was launched by the leader of the patriots and candidate for the presidential election Florian Philippot.Another at the call of yellow vests.How many demonstrators will be present today in Paris and in the rest of France?This is all the challenge for the executive, while the vaccination pass is in the process of entering into force.

Covid-19 : les contaminations toujours au plus haut, les hospitalisations en soins critiques en légère baisse

3:10 p.m.. Pourrions-nous être encore contagieux après une quarantaine ? Selon de nouvelles données récoltées par des chercheurs de la faculté de médecine de l’université d’Exeter, en Angleterre, 30 % des personnes des personnes resteraient infectieuses après cinq jours d’isolement consécutifs à un test PCR positif.After ten days of quarantine, this rate drops to 10 %.However, the study was carried out on samples taken before the appearance of Delta and Omicron variants.

15 hours.In Mexico. Un nombre record de 44 293 nouveaux cas ont été comptabilisés hier au Mexique, portant le total des infections à 4 302 069 depuis le début de la pandémie.195 people also died in 24 hours, while the deadly invoice of COVVID is 301,107 lost lives.

2:50 p.m..Swedish cross -country skiers move.Fearing the increase in contaminations to Seiser Alm, they moved their last pre-Olympic training camp at altitude in Italy in Livigno.The 18 athletes will train for two weeks before leaving for China on January 27.

2:45 p.m..The autostrats tariffed in Spain.As of this Saturday, their price cannot exceed 2.94 euros.On Wednesday the Minister of Health Carolina Darias had justified this measure by the inflation of the prices noted while the demand was multiplied "by more than 1,000".

2:40 p.m..The vigilance of the prefect of Var.He thought of communicating that, for this first weekend of sales, it was necessary to take distance in shops.

2:30 p.m..In Denmark. Ces dernières 24 heures, 25 034 personnes ont été contaminées par le Covid et 16 sont décédées, selon le Statens Serum Institut.Of the 223,342 tests, 11 % proved to be positive.For 1,644 of these 25,000 people, this is a second infection.

2:05 p.m..We can (again) get vaccinated in front of the Paris town hall.A COVID-19 vaccination center has reopened on the forecourt of the town hall of the capital today. Opéré par la Croix-Rouge Française dans le cadre d’un partenariat entre la ville de Paris, l’Agence régionale de santé (ARS) Île-de-France et la préfecture de police, le centre de vaccination est ouvert tous les jours de 10 hours à 20 heures, avec ou sans rendez-vous, sauf pour les 5-11 ans.

1:55 p.m.. Vers une quatrième dose ? Si la campagne pour la dose de rappel, la troisième pour la plupart des Français, se poursuit, les autorités scientifiques ont-elles un coup d’avance et étudient actuellement l’opportunité d’une quatrième dose.But to believe Elisabeth Bouvet, president of the Technical Vaccination Commission to the High Authority for Health, nothing justifies her for the moment."We have no currently data that allows us to justify this measure," she said to France Info.

1:40 p.m..PSG goalkeeper Keylor Navas Positive.The Costa Rican, touched by the COVVI-19, will not be able to hold his place against Brest this evening.The club has acted as it was in the group announced in the morning.

1:25 p.m..Non-vaccinated, but not by choice.An important minority of the 5 million French people, who have not yet received the slightest injection, is not anti -vax, or even really reluctant to the vaccine.Isolated elderly people, homeless or immigrants are among this audience far from the care system and complex to identify.Decryption.

À lire aussiIls n’y ont «pas accès» : qui sont les non-vaccinés à l’insu de leur plein gré ?

12:55. Le Japon infecté par les bases militaires américaines ? La préfecture d’Okinawa, dans le sud du Japon, a enregistré ce samedi 1 829 nouvelles contaminations, un record.Okinawa is home to 70 % of US military facilities in Japan.The governor of the prefecture, Denny Tamaki, had previously declared himself "furious" of what he called inadequate infection controls in the American bases. Si les Frontières nipponnes sont fermées depuis novembre dernier, l’armée américaine applique un régime de tests et de quarantaine distinct.

12:30 p.m..Bangladesh could reconfine.Bangladesh's Minister of Health, Zahid Malik, suggested that if the restrictions were not respected, this outcome would be inevitable."Corona infection increases alarmingly in our country.We have issued 11 points instructions to prevent this infection.Repeated calls are launched so that everyone respects these restrictions. (…) Si le confinement est à nouveau décrété, le pays soufFrira beaucoup.(…) A lock will be issued if the restrictions are raped, "he said, inaugurating a dialysis unit at Manikganj hospital.

12:15.Israeli Prime Minister's advice. Naftali Bennett a demandé à ses concitoyens, pour Shabbat, « au cours des 3 à 4 prochaines semaines », de protéger parents et grands-parents."Let's keep a mask by meeting them," he wrote on Twitter.

12 hours.Cigured electronic cigarette smokers endure heavier symptoms. Une étude publiée dans le Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, montre que les utilisateurs d’e-cigarettes soufFrent plus que les non-fumeurs : 16 % ont des douleurs thoraciques (contre 10 %), des Frissons (25 % contre 19 %), des maux de tête (49 % contre 41 %), des problèmes d’odorat et de goût (37 % contre 30 %), ou des vertiges (16 % contre 9 %).

Inflammation caused by coronavirus and inflammation induced by vaping can be combined to worsen the probability of inflammation throughout the body, argues Dr. Robert Vassallo, co -author of the study, the Mayo Clinic de Rochester, in Minnesota.

11:55 am.In Japan, a challenge to COVVID.Half a million Japanese high school students are passing today and tomorrow annual university entry exams in hundreds of places across the country.

11:50 am.Nepal launches its recall campaign. Les autorités sanitaires népalaises prévoient de commencer demain à administrer une injection de rappel pour les travailleurs en première ligne.

11:45 am.In Russia Bis.The country, which recorded 723 dead in 24 hours, recorded 27,179 new contaminations, more than the 23,820 of the day before.

11:30 am.British ministers press Bojo to clean up."If Boris wants to survive, like an alcoholic he must admit that he has a problem and follow serious therapy.This goes beyond my understanding to see how stupid they can be ”, assures a heavyweight of the majority at Times, about the regular parties which took place at 10 Downing Street despite the restrictions (read below).According to the British daily, three ministers asked the head of government to turn his chief of staff, Dan Rosenfield.

11:20 am."Friday Parties" more regular than announced. Des apéros étaient organisés chaque vendredi soir à Downing Street pendant le confinement, affirme le journal The Mirror, allongeant la liste des accusations visant le Premier ministre britannique.Yesterday, Boris Johnson had to apologize in front of the queen for letting alcohol run the day before the funeral of her husband Prince Philip.Elizabeth II had attended her husband's funeral alone in the chapel of Windsor castle, a symbolic image of the rigor of the confinements.

Le Mirror affirme que le rendez-vous était calé dans les calendriers électroniques d’environ 50 employés du No 10 entre 16 heures et 19 hours chaque semaine, que les conseillers avaient investi dans un réFrigérateur pour garder leurs bouteilles d’alcool au Frais, et que le Premier ministre était au courant de ces rassemblements, les laissant se poursuivre pour « relâcher la pression ».

11:00.In the Phillippines.39,004 new infections were recorded in 24 hours and the active cases reached a record, at 280,813 this Saturday."We note a community transmission of the Omicron variant in the capital region," said the health under Security Maria Rosario Vergeire during a public information session.The Manila region is an urban sprawl of 16 cities where more than 13 million people live.The peak, she added, could be reached between the end of January and mid-February.

10:50 am.Australia thinks of reaching the peak of the Omicron wave.Over 1.2 million infections were recorded in 2022, compared to 200,000 for 2020 and 2021 gathered.If very high levels of daily infections will still be noted in "the next few weeks", the modeling of certain states "leads me to believe that we are close to the peak of this wave in terms of cases", said the doctor-chief, Paul Kelly, during a press point."We are witnessing an epidemic of people who are not vaccinated among young people, we see it in admissions to intensive care," he added.

To date, more than 92 % of the over 16s have received two doses of vaccine and the recall campaign is accelerating.

10:30 am.Rugby players and women isolated seven days.The male and female teams of the Fiji Islands declare for the Spanish stage of the World Rugby Circuit in VII next weekend, after some players were tested positive.As a precaution, all the teams are isolated seven days.The women's team is second after the first two stages, while the Fiji, Olympic champions this summer in Tokyo, are sixth in male competition.

10:25 am.A new accused of the positive November 13 attacks.He had symptoms of the COVID-19 at the hearing yesterday and had been a bit isolated.Ali El Haddad Asufi, one of the 11 accused appearing detainees, was "subjected to a self-test (Friday) evening which turned out to be positive," said the president of the Paris Special Assize Court, Jean-LouisPeriès, in a message sent to lawyers.Not vaccinated, it must be subject to a PCR test.The resumption of the hearing on Tuesday is therefore strongly compromised.

10:20.In Pakistan.The health authorities have identified 4,286 new cases since yesterday, a number that had not been reached since the end of August.

10:15 am.In Russia.723 deaths due to COVVID have been identified in recent 24 hours in Russia.

10 hours.Israel at the highest for three months. La cinquième vague ne se calme pas en Israël et 306 patients sont actuellement hospitalisés dans un état grave.While only 6 % of Israelis over 60 are not vaccinated, they represent 35 % of serious cases: 125 of the 306 patients had no vaccine, 32 had not received a recall.

Since last week when it was approved, 513,865 Israelis have already received a fourth injection.

9:50 am.New York begins better.Governor Kathy Hochul believes that New York State "leaves the tunnel" after having recorded a record number of cases during the holidays.At the 90,000 daily cases last week, she opposed the 49,027 cases yesterday.The positive rate has also dropped.The state also records a very slight drop in hospitalizations.

9:40 am.The vaccination pass could come into force in a week."We will see how the debates take place in the Senate and if there is a referral to the Constitutional Council.The text could, I think, be applicable at the end of the week ", said on France Info the president of the Assembly's Law Commission, the deputy LREM Yaël Braun-Pivet."We are going from surprise to surprise.Now is not the time to lower the guard "even if" I want it as you are the last wave, "she said.

9:30 am.New restrictions in Iceland. À partir de minuit, ce soir, bars et discothèques doivent fermer pour deux semaines et demie, et les rassemblements publics ne se feront plus qu’à 10 (au lieu de 20)."The situation is simply such that it is inevitable to use these hardening," said Prime Minister Katrin Jakobsdottir, invoking the need to protect the health system where the situation is currently deemed tense.

In addition, the gauges reduced in swimming pools, ski resorts and sports halls are extended for three weeks, as well as the 22-hour curfew for restaurants. Vendredi, l’île a enregistré 1 221 nouvelles infections en 24 heures, un chifFre énorme au regard du bilan pandémique islandais : 44 974 infections et 44 décès en deux ans.

9:15 am.Washington buys self -tests. La Maison Blanche a déjà dépensé 2,2 milliards de dollars (1,93 milliard d’euros) pour financer son plan de fourniture de tests aux Américains.According to the opinion of the Pentagon published last night, the company Ihealth obtained a contract of $ 1.27 billion, Roche a contract of $ 340 million and Abbott a contract of $ 306 million.In total, the USA provisioned enough to buy 428 out of the 500 million tests that must be sent free of charge within two months to the Americans' homes.

9 hours.In Brazil. Ces dernières 24 heures, 112 286 nouvelles contaminations ont été enregistrées au Brésil, qui approche des 23 millions de cas depuis le début de la pandémie.The authorities had not recorded such a level since June 23.Above all, on January 14, 2021, the number of contaminations was 63,292.

8:50 am.In China.Chinese authorities detected 165 symptomatic contaminations yesterday and 25 asymptomatic cases. C’est moins que la veille où les chifFres étaient respectivement de 201 et 42.The 104 locally transmitted cases were found in Henan, Tianjin, Guangdong, Shaanxi and Zhejiang.

8:40 am.In India. Ces dernières 24 heures, les autorités sanitaires indiennes, qui testent extrêmement peu, ont recensé 268 833 nouvelles contaminations, un chifFre plus de dix fois supérieur à ce qu’il était encore il y a dix jours.402 new deaths have also been reported, bringing the Total balance sheet to 485,752 COVID dead, according to the Ministry of Health.

8:30 am.Concordant agenda.It is today that between, in Washington (United States), the vaccination obligation to access theaters, restaurants, and bars inside.

8:20 am. Qu’aurait-il dit du Covid ? Face à tous ces malades non imaginaires, combien de « Médecin malgré lui » ? Il moquait les précieux, les bourgeois, les savants sachant peu, les vaniteux, les bavards… Qu’aurait dit du Covid Molière, né il y a 400 ans ?

8:10 am.How many demonstrators, That’s the question.This is the challenge, for the executive, of the day, while the vaccination pass is in the process of entering into force: what will be the participation of the demonstrations today?In the wake of Emmanuel Macron's words to the readers of our newspaper, saying he was determined to "piss off" non-vacuums, 105,200 demonstrators had been counted throughout France, four times more than the 25,500 people identified during theprevious mobilization, December 18.

8 hours.Americans invited to wear the mask more.American disease control and prevention centers (CDC) revised their advice to the Americans on Friday on the port of masks.They recommend "wear the most protective, well -adjusted" and "systematically" mask. Comme la France, les États-Unis sont conFrontés à une forte résurgence de l’épidémie du fait d’Omicron.

7:50 am.Deadlines still today. Au total, de 85 000 à 120 000 personnes sont attendues dans toute la France, dont de 9 000 à 14 000 à Paris, selon des sources policières.Several processions are organized in the capital and the largest should be that of the Movement Les Patriotes, by Florian Philippot, who will start from Trocadéro.Other parades will take place on the initiative of yellow vests.

7:40 am.The vaccination pass again adopted in the National Assembly.Unsurprisingly, the deputies adopted the controversial bill transforming the sanitary pass on a vaccine pass in second reading, after a new night of debates. Entamée à 15 hours vendredi, la deuxième lecture du texte s’est achevée à 4 heures du matin avec une adoption par 185 voix pour, 69 contre et 8 abstentions, dans une ambiance électrique.The text must again be examined during the day in the Senate.

7:30 am.The Djoko soap opera continues.The world n ° 1 Tennis Novak Djokovic, non-vacated, was sent back into administrative detention this morning, the day after the second cancellation of its visa by the Australian government.Rafael Nadal attacked him: "The Australian Open is much more important than any player," said Spanish, saying to himself "in disagreement with a lot that he did theselast two weeks ".

7:20 am. Combien de rappels ? 31,12 millions de personnes ont reçu un rappel contre le Covid depuis l’ouverture de la campagne vaccinale.Yesterday, 606,491 recall doses were issued in vaccination centers, medical offices and pharmacies, while 49,684 first injections were carried out.

7:10 am.Sanitary pass disabled.About 560,000 people are likely to lose their sanitary pass during the day because it has not been recalling.Unless they have been contaminated recently, which extends their pass.

À lire aussiDésactivation du passe sanitaire ce samedi : qui est concerné ?

7 hours. Bonjour et bon réveil.We continue to follow the news of the covid, with its consequences, not only health.

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