COVID-19: what you can do or not during New Year's Eve

The New Year 2022 is preparing to take place in an epidemic context more than tense.The country records records on contaminations records with 208,000 new cases on Wednesday, December 29, after around 180,000 cases the day before.No new restriction measure has so far been announced concerning the course of the Har-Sylvestre.

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No disco

Throughout French territory, discos will remain closed doors on December 31, as announced at the beginning of the month.A recently extended closure on Wednesday of three weeks in January by Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, Minister Delegate in charge of Tourism.

Several recommendations

Few national -scale restrictions will be in place on New Years Eve.The return of gauges for gatherings, the ban on standing concerts or that of standing consumption in restaurants will not be in force until January 3.

Covid-19 : ce que vous pourrez faire ou non lors du réveillon du Nouvel An

In the meantime, the executive has multiplied the recommendations for the 31st. In his intervention on Monday, Jean Castex called to "limit major festivals and major dinners".Holidays and versatile rooms remain open to the public.It will be possible to dance there provided you wear a mask.The number of participants in an evening is not limited by the government, but the Prime Minister calls - by "common sense" - still to limit the number of participants, to respect barriers and to "ventilate the room regularly».

On December 17, Jean Castex also asked mayors to "give up the organization of large rallies on the public highway, in particular fireworks or concerts".In Paris, the fireworks fire drawn from the Arc de Triomphe, for example, was canceled for the second consecutive year.Some had not waited for the recommendation.La Rochelle's New Year's Ball was canceled three weeks ago.

Depending on these recommendations, the prefectures of the region are gradually announcing new restrictions as the New Year's Eve is getting closer.In Paris for example and in several prefectures of Ile de France, the port of the mask will be compulsory outside "on the whole of the public road and in all places open to the public".

What rules in New Aquitaine?

In addition to the national measures, several others were taken in Charente, Charente-Maritime, Gironde, Corrèze and Pyrénées-Atlantiques.As "France 3" reports, after consultation with all the prefects this Thursday, they will be harmonized throughout the region.Thus bars, restaurants and other drinking speeds will have to close at 2 am.But also "the establishments open to the public", like the "Polyvalent holiday rooms and rooms, tents, capitals and structures".

"Consumption of food and alcoholic drinks on public roads" will also be prohibited.In addition, it will be illegal to sell, transport, hold or use firecrackers, smoke bombs or fireworks on the public roads.

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