Covid Safe Ticket in our amateur football clubs, ten days later

It took a lot of organization for the clubs to succeed in applying the CST.

Imposed to the entire sports community until January 15, the Covid Safe Ticket has made its appearance ten days ago. Since the establishment, the clubs have had to organize themselves and act accordingly to be able to welcome spectators last weekend. Regarding the obligation for players to show a CST if they want to play, the rules remain… a little vague. On the other hand, with regard to access to refreshments, the procedure seems to be followed.


Covid Safe Ticket in our football clubs amateurs, ten days later

Overall, the application does not seem to have had too much impact on the holding of sporting events in Hainaut.

"People are cooperative. We're not overzealous either," explains Danielle Richard of the Enghien club. "I have in mind the example of this lady who obviously did not have her CST and who just wanted to have a soup and then leave the bar to go and drink it outside. We did not make a fuss. At the same time time, I would have preferred to see this lady drinking her soup inside. It hurts my heart a little. Ideally, it would be to have the refreshment bar outside to welcome everyone without any problem. But here , we are going to enter the winter period and we are still not going to receive people outside."

At Neuville, where the Olympics play, the particularity is that the public does not necessarily have a smartphone. "The average age is higher. But all the supporters then had their precious sesame in paper format", smiles Eric Meurant, Sporting de Charleroi and Olympic de Charleroi security manager. "With the exception of a few airheads who had forgotten their identity documents, everything went well. There are still a few complainers who were nevertheless in order." (...)