Electoral law before: the political class rejects the idea of a new workshop

The framework of exchange of political parties and groupings for a successful transition prefers to stick to the conclusions of the works of the workshop on May 3 and 4, 2021 organized by the Ministry of Territorial Administration.The information was given Wednesday, November 3, 2021 through a statement following an extraordinary meeting to rule on the invitation of the Minister of Refoundation to a workshop on the preliminary draft of the law.

The members of the framework for the exchange of political parties and grouping of political parties for a successful transition in Mali, gathered in ordinary session November 03, 2021 and after examination of the mail of the delegated ministry responsible for political and institutional reforms relating to the holding ofAn exchange workshop on the preliminary project of the electoral law planned for November 4 to 5, 2021, at the CICB.The members of the said executive inform the national and international opinion that they will not participate in this workshop.Etinvit the government to transmit to the National Transitional Council the consensual electoral bill resulting from the workshop from May 3 to 5, 2021, organized by the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization, to which a large majority of political parties andof civil society participated.

Note Queepm;ARP;Hope New Jiguiya Kura;ASMA-CFP;Yelema;Morema;ADRP and RDS signed this press release.

Avant-projet de loi électorale : La classe politique rejette l’idée d’un nouvel atelier


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