Easter weekend: what trips are allowed or prohibited?

Par Eloïse AubéPublié le
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Après l’allocution d’Emmanuel Macron, nombre de questions sont encore en suspens. Si un confinement national entrera en vigueur dès samedi 3 avril à 19h pour quatre semaines, une tolérance sera de mise pour se déplacer entre les régions lors du week-end de Pâques, les 3, 4 et 5 avril.Week-end de Pâques : quels déplacements sont autorisés ou interdits ? Week-end de Pâques : quels déplacements sont autorisés ou interdits ?

The Head of State has announced: "Our fellow citizens wish to change the region to go to isolate will be able to do so during this Easter weekend.»»

In fact, inter-regional trips are accepted until April 5 to go to accommodation other than its main residence in order to isolate oneself.

Mais c’est là où la confusion règne : jusqu’où va cette « tolérance»» ? Ces déplacements seront-ils vérifier pour limiter « les Fraudes»» ? On fait le point.

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Is it possible to leave your region this weekend?

Although braking measures apply From Saturday, April 3 in the evening, there is a tolerance for inter-regional trips until April 5, 7 p.m..

We can also read on the government's website: "The restrictions currently in force in 19 departments are extended to the whole territory.No trip during the day beyond 10 km except imperative or professional reason (on presentation of the certificate) after the end of the Easter weekend (...) No inter-regional trips are authorized after Monday, April 5.»»

À noter que les Français de l’étranger souhaitant rentrer en France peuvent le faire « à tout moment»».

We can therefore deduce that what is prohibited after April 5 ... is authorized before.Although this is not recommended, nothing concretely prohibits a round trip to his family.

Week-end de Pâques : quels déplacements sont autorisés ou interdits ?

A decree stipulating the contours of this instruction will be published no later than Friday April 2.

Does this only concern new confined departments?

19 departments are already subject to these restrictions.Are the inhabitants of these areas affected by this tolerance?A priori yes, according to the Ministry of the Interior."The current system for these departments is not called into question.»»

In other words, people living in these territories can decide to confine themselves in another place for the coming weeks.

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Is a derogatory certificate necessary?

The answer is for the moment uncertain. Celle utilisée actuellement dans les territoires soumis à des mesures de Freinage « sera certainement remaniée»» pour le confinement à venir, précise le ministère.

Especially that nothing can prove that a person goes to isolate himself for four weeks or goes to loved ones just for the weekend, which is prohibited.Everything is based on confidence, as the Head of State recalled.

Will there be checks this weekend?

If the tolerance is required, the checks will be reinforced this weekend.Parks and gardens, places, beaches or the platforms will be the subject of increased vigilance, confirm several prefectures at Actu.Fr.Ditto for road checks.

In order to limit gatherings as much as possible, alcohol consumption on public roads is prohibited.A decision that echoes recent festivals organized outside and in Lyon at the end of March, where 300 people gathered on the quays.

What are the imperative reasons that justify a displacement?

Death, work, training, health, mission of general interest at the request of the administrative authority, moving which cannot be deferred ... All these reasons enter the imperious grounds box.

Jean Castex a également précisé : « Accompagner ou aller chercher un enfant chez un parent, un grand-parent ou un proche»», figure bien parmi les motifs impérieux, justifiant un déplacement d’une région à l’autre.

SNCF does not change anything

In a press release dated April 1, the SNCF ensures that "all TGV, Ouigo, intercités, regional and international trains planned will normally circulate until April 5 inclusive".Or nearly 1,500 TGV and 220 intercités that will circulate between Friday 2 and Monday, April 5.After the speech of the Head of State, reservations also jumped 25% Wednesday evening compared to the day before.

Can we go to a family meal to celebrate Easter?

Exterior rallies, limited to six people, are subject to increased monitoring and will be verbalized.But within a home, it is impossible to check the number of people gathered during a family party.It is illegal to enter a private residence, except in the event of a night -up, left to the appreciation of the police.

Alors là aussi, la confiance est de rigueur : « Chacun doit veiller non pas à s’enfermer, mais à limiter au maximum les contacts, les rencontres, les moments de proximité avec d’autres personnes»», a rappelé le chef de l’Etat.

And after ?

Already applied by 19 departments, the restrictive measures are clear: no trip beyond 10 km around his home.Beyond that, it will be necessary to have a derogatory certificate justifying an imperative motif.

Without forgetting the curfew applicable from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. throughout the territory.

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