Emma Roberts: "When I spend time with my aunt Julia, I forget the planetary star that she is"

Some smiles do not deceive ... sitting on the sofa of his suite in Crillon, in Paris, Emma Roberts, radiant and relaxed, obviously inherited the charm of her famous aunt Julia.Revealed in the cinema in popular comedies (Les Miller, a budding family, Little Italy…) and in the successful series American Horror Story, the 30 -year -old actress works in the footsteps of her elder by becoming the face of the collectionPretty Woman from Fred.On the unforgettable chorus of Garry Marshall's film, she reveals in a cinematographic clip the players of jewelry and high jewelry of this line inspired by the Romantic Cult Comedy.The new glamorous ambassador reappropriates the codes of the house with freshness.

Madame Figaro.- Comment définiriez-vous votre relation avec votre tante Julia Roberts ?Emma Roberts. -Quand je passe du temps avec elle, Julia est juste ma tante, j’oublie la star planétaire qu’elle est.We have always been very close and I am lucky to have such a smart, sweet and loving woman by my side.

To read also "at the table of the jeweler Fred, Emma Roberts enters the legend of" Pretty Woman "

On video, "Pretty Woman", a classic that we never tire of

Emma Roberts :

Vous rappelez-vous de la première fois où vous avez vu Pretty Woman?Oui, bien sûr ! N’étant pas née lors de sa sortie au cinéma en 1990, je l’ai découvert plus tard à la télévision.I remember having felt immediately immersed in history.I laughed, I cried and amazed jewelry -the famous Ras -de -Ruby in ruby and diamonds already imagined by Fred at the time -, costumes of the film, like the polka dot dress that I love.This film has a je-ne-sais-quoi which makes it eternal.

Quel plaisir avez-vous à représenter cette collection Fred ?J’aime autant les bijoux de la ligne que le message véhiculé par la campagne : celui de l’amour inconditionnel et la vision que chacun s’en fait.It's both beautiful, fresh and happy.

Quel est votre modèle préféré ?J’aime les pièces avec les cœurs rouges, ils m’inspirent un sentiment de romantisme.

Quelle amoureuse êtes-vous ?Je suis espiègle.Humor is essential for me and I want to be in a relationship with someone who makes me laugh.

Quels sont vos futurs projets ?J’ai fini les tournages d’About Fate, une comédie romantique pour Netflix, et celui de Abandoned, un thriller psychologique un peu atypique.As a producer, I will release First Kill, a series intended for young people for Netflix with vampires.

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Aimez-vous avoir 30 ans ?Même si j’ai trouvé un peu étrange de passer ce cap en pleine pandémie, je me sens bien et plus en harmonie avec moi-même qu’il y a dix ans.I’m looking forward to seeing what the next decade has in store for me!

Quel regard portez-vous sur votre génération ?écouter J’ai la chance d’avoir grandi sans Internet et je connais la vie sans Instagram.Adolescence is a period enough to live so that we have to undergo the judgment of others.I try today to spend moments away from my phone to live the present moment, like dinner quietly with my friends, enjoy my son or just read a book.

Quelle mère êtes-vous ?J’adore être maman ! Mon fils est le bonheur de ma vie.He is very calm, intelligent and knows how to listen ... he is perfect in short!I am also lucky to be surrounded and grateful to my mother to help me regularly.She gave me confidence and I hope to be able to transmit the same strength to my son.I want him to know that he is capable of everything, like me.

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