EXCLUSIVE.How the former King of Spain Juan Carlos lives his exile: the extracts from Laurence Debray's book

On August 3, 2020 at dawn, while Spain is sealed by heat, Juan Carlos decided to drop the moorings, to spin through the small back door of the Zarzuela palace, to reconnect with the exile of soundchildhood.He has already got rid of his crown six years earlier.This time he gets rid of his kingdom.He is a man of eighty-two years, reduced by twenty operations, one of which is open to heart, who decides to fade.Does a king have the right to desert his country as any soldier fleeing the fight?

Under media, government, family pressure, he had no choice.Too many scandals, from offshore bank accounts to astronomical amounts, mistresses.He did not print into the boxes of the state;He benefited from gifts and generosity from the King of Saudi Arabia and wealthy knowledge.In the name of friendship?Or in exchange for services?The mystery remains.

Juan Carlos decided to turn his back on the West

In any case, he has become a reprobate """"father of the nation"""", a bulky figure for his son Felipe VI, an infrequent grandfather.Condemned by the media and social networks before even passing the courts.Besides, for the moment, he is not prosecuted by the justice.But he must atone for his faults, make penance, disappear.A sorting out of a pathetic scene for those who have democratized the country after forty years of dictatorship, saved it at a coup, assured it the longest period of growth in its history.He had his time: the man who shone in the 20th century could not understand and adapt to the 21st.He did not comply with the current political correctness, neither his values, nor his postures.

Read also - Survey.King emeritus of Spain Juan Carlos, his account in Switzerland and his millions hidden

He is now unattainable in the United Arab Emirates, where the secret reigns, where paparazzi and journalists do not arrive, where the Middle Ages rub shoulders with modernity, and where he is welcomed as a monarch of his rank.How not to see in the choice of this destination a rebuff for decorum, a final affront to public opinion?Juan Carlos decided to turn his back on the West and his ethics.Out of spite.By quest for material comfort too.And, above all, to escape media pressure.Escape the diffusion of his image of aging, suffering, immoral sovereign.An image that the sand of the desert can now bury.[…]

During, Juan Carlos brutally comes out of my life.For several decades, I have studied, scrutinized, comment on his destiny.A page turns today.It is time to question this lasting and structuring relationship that I have with him, this attachment as platonic as faithful.What can bring together a """"girl from revolutionaries"""" and a king?

I was born in an intellectual and political bath - at the time the two were linked - French and Hispanic.I grew up in the shade of thinkers and leaders, inspired and inspiring characters.I know power euphoria and disillusions.I was too close to being impressed.The crowned heads, with their haunted castles, their pompous protocol and their sparkling tiares, hardly fascinate me.Long dresses and official ceremonies amazed my little girl's eyes, but I ended up detecting boredom and vanity.

With him, it's different.There is no glamor associated with Juan Carlos: no majestic castles, no fabulous ceremonies.In this sense, he goes against the king's stereotype, he embodies the anti -love, the one who is not crushed by the weight of the crown, nor corseted by his traditions or his obligations.He had the immense advantage of being beautiful, young, sporty, charismatic, and of reigning on a country which led me to have lived there a blessed period, an carefree adolescence, at the end of the 80s, early 90.

He gave me back confidence in politics.He was the hero of a story that ended well: he had assured against all odds the transition from a dictatorship to a democracy, from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy, peacefully and quickly.An unexpected political masterpiece.I was too used to the Latin American coups and French political disappointments so as not to be grateful to him.He then symbolized freedom, vitality, modernity.He was the face of a new effervescent and joyful Spain.Power therefore did not always lead to tears and bitterness.

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Behind this historical success, shadow shares have intrigued me, weaknesses, cracks, which will lead to its loss.He boycotted his aura, as if he had been too dazzled by his character.As if he could not escape the fatality of the fate of his exiled ancestors.Finally, the real is never smooth and fairy tales do not exist, even among the kings.The saints are only of religion.Shame.We would prefer to hang on to heroes but we have only men available.

A surprise exile after the break with his son, the king in office

The day before the first confinement, on March 15, 2020, the hitherto symbolic parricide becomes official.The Zarzuela issues a press release in which Felipe renounces, for him and his daughters, to the paternal heritage.The accounts in Switzerland of Juan Carlos have been revealed and, faced with general outrage, the king cut the financial links with his father by also withdrawing his annual public allowance.He becomes the only Spanish official to be deprived of retirement after more than forty years of loyal service.Weakened by his operation with heart open in August 2019, Juan Carlos had already withdrawn from public life.

The institutional and pecuniary relationship is broken between the king in office and the retired king.Felipe is now """"the son of a person"""".It only remained to stop their physical cohabitation to complete the split.It was then that we showed our hero the exit door of the Zarzuela, his residence for fifty-seven years.No more pension, no more roof.He will now be a SDF sovereign.The crown abandons one of its own.Does he resisted the path of penance?Did he recognize his sins in the eyes of a disappointed son?There will now be an ocean of water, tears, disappointment between Zarzuela and him.

You might think Ingrat Felipe.Like the majority of Spaniards with regard to Juan Carlos.Is he an unworthy son in order to be a dignified monarch?Is it the inevitable effect of power on man, which dries up hearts?Or the sacrificial function of kings cornered with all abnegations for the crown?Juan Carlos is a fallen king but he is above all a repudiated father.Maybe his greatest failure finally lies there, in this denial.Political hero side face;Patriarchal antihero on the battery side.

His expatriation, at the dawn of August 3, was an amazement.For me and for Spain.Juan Carlos had the art of taking us all over.It fell the day before my departure on vacation, a change of air after a long Parisian confinement, which I expected so much.I first thought that he too needed to change the air, that he had to be tired of these permanent criticisms in the press, injured in the lack of recognition of a kingdom for which he had worked so much,Bruised by the distance established by the new royal couple, jaded of the intrigues of the palace.Palaces are full of conjurations and machinations since the monarchy has existed.As he does nothing like the other monarchs, as he forged a fate full of adventures, I put him on the account of yet another drama, a grandiose outing.

Read also - why the former King of Spain, Juan Carlos, decided to leave his country

For the government, it was a boon.He politically exploited the errors of Juan Carlos, a distraction that fell in time to avoid responding to his management of the pandemic or dubious campaign accounts.An opportunity also to erect """"enemies of the people"""" and to sow doubt about the proper functioning of the constitutional monarchy.After having sworn on the Constitution and before the king to become ministers.The Spaniards also rushed into the royal controversy.

Juan Carlos did not commit crime, murder, theft, rape.He accepted a gift difficult to refuse from the late King of Saudi Arabia, hidden from money, traveled in private jet thanks to the generosity of his cousin, used a credit card made available to him by an entrepreneur to settleThe expenses of his family, ranging from the horse of his granddaughter to the stays in London of his wife.He acted as a enjoyment, considering himself untouchable, above the laws.The sums at stake struck a country in difficulty which, after having valued the torch, painfully settled in sparingly.Juan Carlos' lifestyle does not fall under the taxpayers but does not show himself in unison with what Spain goes through.Casualness.

A phone call in full containment

I wonder if he is not an upset businessman, or even missed.The adrenaline of political action relayed by the adrenaline of the business.Did he try to compensate for the humiliations of his childhood, when he depended on certain aristocrats who assured his lifestyle?This anecdote he told me in the past, comes back to me: """"For us, money has always been a concern.I was five or six when I had the first bad deal of my life.It was in Lausanne.A Spaniard had come to see my father and offered me a gold feather pen.In front of the Royal Hotel where we were descended, there was a shop of candy and chocolates.Since I never had a penny in my pocket, I had the bright idea to go see the hotel goalkeeper to sell him my pen.He gave me five francs and I rushed into the shop to buy candy.When my father learned it, he went to see the porter, gave him ten francs and recovered the pen.He said to me in a very severe tone: 'You made me lose five francs.'""""

Since then, is he repairing?All that for this?It is difficult to be great and impeccable over time when you have proven everything before his forty years.[…]

At the end of one of these sad and rainy days of mid-November under confinement, my cell phone rings.I do not recognize the number but out of curiosity I pick up: """"Laurence? - Yes.- It's Juan Carlos.-… - The king! - Is that a joke? - I wanted to thank you for your article.How are you?How are your children? - We live confined to Paris, nothing very funny.- Where I am, there is no virus.- You are lucky ... This is a real king's privilege! """"

Many spontaneous, disjointed conversations followed.I remember a few scraps: """"You don't feel alone? - I have good friends here.-Are you going to come back soon?-I don't know at all.Some are very happy that I left! - But what an idea to leave, frankly ... I wonder who advised you to do it! - I was facing a lot of pressures.- I imagine that the government insisted with your son, but it should not have given way.We present this gesture as a proof of solidity of the monarchy, but I see it as a proof of weakness.When you are head of state, you have to know how to resist the current.You know it well.You would never have designated Adolfo Suárez Head of Government to make the transition, you would not have legalized the Communist Party, if you had listened to public opinion.Perhaps even without you by his side, without your political and symbolic heritage, Felipe is weaker against the Republicans.""""

Criticism is easy when you are not in control, faced with the implacability of the decision.

""""Why did you go to Abu Dhabi? You could just leave the Zarzuela and settle for example in Galicice, where you have your browser friends and your boat.- I would have been prosecuted everywhere by journalists.From here, I do not bother the crown.""""

I understand that he does not want to become a lady di in a papi version and that he is forgotten to let his son reign in peace.

Juan Carlos follows mass at La Zarzuela remotely by internet

Arrive in the United Arab Emirates, after a year of confinement, amounts to landing on another planet.A Far West of the desert, made of half -empty five -track motorways, shopping centers, buildings pushing like mushrooms.Which refers us to the face its vitality and its modernism when we have stopped progressing.

I found my expatriate king.Released from his image and his kingdom.Does he taste a second youth?Or is he moping far from his family?No more official information filters on Juan Carlos.Rumors and untruths in the press compensate for the silence imposed by the royal house.As if he could have repairing effects.Forgetting as a guarantee of respectability found.[…]

Juan Carlos does not hide his affliction.He does not shirk.His distance does not prevent him from being informed of everything, everywhere.Spain obviously remains at the heart of its concerns.The future of the monarchy, the first of its concerns.He plays cards on the table: he speaks openly about the delicate situation in which he is.And with a certain modesty, friends who turned his back on him.Even those who owe him wealth and celebrity.Bitterness never pierces his words.He does not complain about anything, he finds, resigned.

The infant Pilar was definitely right.We never lament ourselves in this family.Is it mass at the Zarzuela, which he follows at a distance by internet, which brings him this serenity?I have fun seeing him also at ease with his tablet, Whatsapp, zoom… a king of eighty-three years decidedly on the page.Its ability to adapt to all situations, since childhood, is striking.To all makeshift reverses, also.He faces dignity;He has the strength of survivors.

""""What are you missing from Spain?-Food!""""

He admits to me as a secret that an accomplice sends him Jamón Serrano.Here, his little guilty little treat that barely fills his nostalgia from the country, his friends, nautical competitions, good meals, his house.[…]

True loneliness is therefore, when you can no longer count on the benevolence of your country.A king without kingdom, a uprooted king, is the personification of the tragic.Even if some have been able to keep snoring titles and jewels.They lost their historical anchoring, their reason for being.They embody the rejection.But Juan Carlos does not admit defeat.It remains indomitable despite everything.