Fight against Covid-19: “Solidarity trial vaccines” to test anti-Covid molecules

In total, 40,000 volunteers are concerned by these clinical trials which will target the 6 communes of the district of Bamako.

After the receipt of a number of anti-Covid vaccines on September 5 by the Ministry of Health and Social Development, Mali will soon move to the trial phase. Thus to avoid any psychosis about these molecules, the National Institute of Public Health (INSP) and Health Emergencies, through the Department in charge of Health and Social Development, organized last Tuesday, a press briefing .

This information session for media men, which was held in the meeting room of the said ministry, enabled the Director of the National Institute of Public Health and Health Emergencies, Prof Samba Ousmane Sow to explain the advantages of these clinical trials and to reassure compliance with all the steps recommended by the organizations authorized for this purpose.

Prof Samba Sow first briefly recalled the seriousness of this pandemic which has wreaked so much havoc in the world. This has negatively impacted the whole world with harmful repercussions. This situation required the involvement of researchers from various scientific disciplines. This, in order to have an effective remedy, to counter this pandemic.

Thus, the World Health Organization (WHO) and its partners have selected certain countries for this stage called “Solidarity Trial Vaccines”. On the African continent, Mali has been shortlisted to do this clinical trial test. Because, according to Samba Sow, the best prevention of a pandemic is to respect barrier measures and vaccination, hence the interest of these preclinical phases. And on this site, the speaker of the day, thinks that Africa should not be satisfied only to be served. But, it must rather go towards research.

Lutte contre la Covid-19 : Les « Vaccins essai solidarité » pour tester les molécules anti-Covid

The selection criteria were rigorous, underlined Prof. Samba Sow. Because, it's a whole conventional process that happens first through a preclinical phase, before that of the clinic. For this test campaign, the choice is voluntary. For him, given the urgency there is, we must accelerate and increase the implementation of these vaccines against this epidemic which is killing so many people around the world.

While inviting Africa to participate in international research protocols, Samba Ousmane Sow welcomed the fact that three countries on the Continent are in the starting blocks to manufacture anti-Covid vaccines. These are Senegal, Morocco and Tunisia. And Samba Sow to invite media professionals to use their various information channels to transform rumors into positive messages about this project.

Dr Traoré Cheikh Tidiane from the office of the Minister of Health to add that the objective of this press briefing is to arrive at the manufacture of ready-made drugs to treat this Coronavirus disease and contribute to its definitive elimination on the earth.

It should be noted that 40,000 volunteers are concerned by these clinical trials which will target the 6 communes of the district of Bamako.

Diakalia M Dembele

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