Five questions you ask about Elizabeth II, Queen of England

She is 95 years old and she has reigned over the British for almost 70 years.But what is its role?Why is she fascinating the French?Why does she wear colorful outfits?What do we know about his character?What was Philip, her husband who deceased this year?Specialists' responses.

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Marc Roche: """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Its popularity is linked to history.The Queen is president of the Commonwealth, the large overseas family, or 54 countries.She is head of state of 15 of them.It therefore has a planetary aura that the other European monarchies have not.Its splendor also contrasts with a certain greyness of other kingdoms.

The British monarchy is showing itself, and it does it very well.Also, maybe unlike other European monarchies, English royalty has reinvented.And finally, and this is her great talent, Elizabeth has been anchored in the rising middle class and knew how to separate a little from its basic supporters: the aristocracy, the army and the Anglican church.Supporters of the monarchy in England come from the deep country, ie 75 to 80% of the subjects.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Thomas Pernette : """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Oui, et il y a cette extraordinaire longévité.We all have memories with Queen Elizabeth II.For my part, my first memory of an international event is the inauguration of the Channel Tunnel with François Mitterrand.I remember her fuchsia pink hat.If you are at least 95 years old, you have always known the queen! """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Marion L’Hour : """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""C'est un vrai témoin historique !

Why does she hold of light outfits?

Marion L'Hour : """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""La devise officieuse de la reine, c'est : """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""être vue pour être crue"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" (to be seen, to be believed).

When she is in Balmoral (her castle in Scotland), she is pragmatic and carries flat heels.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Thomas Pernette : """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Pour Elizabeth II, la tenue est une partie de l'uniforme royal.The hat, to use the expression of the historian and columnist Robert Lacey, is a crown substitute.We all have memories of the Queen and her outfits.In the 1990s, we laughed at.Today, Elizabeth II is a fashion icon.Was it she who changed?Or is it our gaze?It's a big question.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

What is her true personality?

Marion L’hour : """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""A cause du protocole, Elizabeth II ne doit pas montrer ses émotions.It is still in a form of neutrality.This is why she is not talking about politics.And even during the Epstein scandal of international magnitude which involved her son Andrew, probably her favorite, she did not open her mouth!

En revanche, elle n’a parfois pas sa langue dans sa poche, dans les années 1960, elle avait traité un ambassadeur américain de """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""gorille"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".

Marc Roche : """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Elle n'a jamais rien dit de sa vie à une époque, où tout le monde parle à tort et à travers.All this means that Queen Elizabeth is perhaps the last star on the planet.What we also know is that she is very shy and therefore very uncomfortable with the strangers she meets all day.According to some leaks, she has great humor.But in public, nothing appears.

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It comes from his education, that of the aristocracy of the 1930s.There was no question of pampering children.They were left to rulers.She was very marked by the influence of her grandmother, Queen Marie.Very austere, of German origin, she instilled in him a sense of duty and above all, when she was young, she asked him to avoid having too much fun.Before Mary, and before she became a heiress princess, Elizabeth II was rather casual, and funny.

Thomas Pernette : """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""On a vu malgré tout cette personnalité s'assouplir avec les années.There is of course an image issue, a more smiling queen, of a more human queen.But perhaps she has dropped the pressure a little.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

And Philip in all of this?

Marc Roche : """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Elizabeth est sérieuse, introvertie, réservée.Her husband, Philip Mountbatten (died June 10, 2021) was funny, sociable, stunning, mischievous...No one dares to tell the truth to the queen.It is protected by courtiers, and the palace apparatus.When people have to oppose it, they have to put forms so much that their interventions are quite light.Philippe was the only one who could tell him the truth, whether he liked it or not.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""