(Always) stylish girls: but how do they do it?

They look youthful in camel or khaki

These two colors are well known to lowly mortals and false friends alike. In a beautiful camel hair coat or peacoat, we see ourselves as Catherine Deneuve, Belle de jour period, and we end up as a tired lady. We imagine ourselves flamboyantly Veruschka-Saint Laurent 1970 in a safari jacket or a verdigris shirt. And we find ourselves all extinguished... Bad luck, these two chromatic terrors will continue their return this summer, the camel rather in suede, the khaki in all sauces.The girls (always) stylish: but how do they do it? The girls (always) stylish: but how do they do it?

How do they survive? Fashionistas do not have these worries. They radiate in both cases, without taking a wrinkle or forcing on the make-up or the colo. Because it is obviously out of the question to appear ripped off (it's vulgar). Neither ultra-tanned and blonde (it's too easy). The chic it girl is also pale and brown, that is to say. Scientific observation of the phenomenon sheds light on the mystery: they use trickery to keep danger away from their face. A touch of pastel (sky blue is superb with khaki), glitter or neon (lemon or orange) near the chin works wonders: shirt, tiny newsboy scarf around the neck, hooded jacket (under the peacoat)…, there it is, the make-up! The navy/khaki striped sweater, “twisted” sailor style (that’s what they say, between them), Sonia Rykiel, is also a good-looking ally.

They always have the right t-shirt

It's a nightmare! Right when we were beginning to have an enviable stock of “loose” gray and white T-shirts, we learned that the black ribbed, fine and tight-fitting long-sleeved Tunisian was de rigueur. It succeeds - but this had also escaped us - the under-sweater, also thin and tight, very popular this winter. The proof ? The Mamy by Isabelle Marant in silk jersey is sold out almost everywhere. As for patterned T-shirts, those with messages and sports logos, old-fashioned Adidas style, they are making a remarkable breakthrough...Why this new fad? How can a garment that so admirably highlights small bulges at the waist and in the back can it become a “luxurious basic” (according to an elegant e-shop). And this other - which our children would not want to play handball - to be reincarnated as a must-have city dweller? Girls with style have an obsession: to “play down” (or “appease”) clothes. Where we would have made the tragic mistake of a sexy or dressy top, the Tunisian therefore serves them to play down the pencil skirt or the puffy midi skirt, that is to say to make one less obvious and the another less silly. A bit like the denim shirt last year. And it actually works pretty well! The sports T-shirt does the same service with a soft, black or white under-the-knee skirt. But here we are at an advanced stage, with the risk of misunderstanding those around us, who are only beginning to digest the Stan Smiths in town...

They don't look like a clown in baggy trousers

This hybrid, a kind of longer culottes, will be everywhere next season. Fashionistas have adopted it with grace this winter. On them, curiously, he gives a minimal silhouette of a slender creeper. On all the others, an often grotesque look, as long as we got the wrong shoes (flat) and top (shirt/t-shirt). Or an overly conceptual, samurai-like look, if it's been played too austere and monochrome.Can we tame it like them? We're not hiding our face, this fashionable UFO passes definitely better if you're tall and slender. Otherwise, you can cheat a little: the 7/8 nicely flared at the bottom is a less annoying version, which makes the leg slender. We wear it with pointed “kitten heels” (5/6 cm), open at the back or small boots, a slightly oversized sweater that covers the belt and, already, it ensures much better. Especially with a nice overcoat or a trench coat thrown over the shoulders, this trick that you can steal from fashionistas to look haughty in thirty seconds.

They have something that gives you dog

Girls (always) stylish: but how do they do it?

A fashionable version of the “collective consciousness” dear to Émile Durkheim, fashionable girls all have a brilliant intuition at the same time, which is becoming the signature of the current season. It is often a detail that gives their allure that je-ne-sais-quoi of "so" winter or spring 2015. We have already seen how much the carrying of the bag (currently small and across the body , via its chain or its fine shoulder strap) is variable and capital. Collars are also important. We knew the one buttoned all the way up, Mormon style. This winter, it was replaced by the turtleneck, invariably worn unrolled (which is actually much more graceful). Or the under-sweater slipped under the shirt: Leandra Medine, on Man Repeller, for example, systematically wears it in red under a white shirt...How to find the tic-signature of spring? Only observation diligent mileage of street style photos coming out of fashion shows (or strong personal stylistic audacity) can help. As you don't have to do that, we have already noted that the belt for the kimono-jacket (ah, the kimono!), for the trench coat, for the trousers (all those leather "carrots", sold with a large flexible tie , without buckle) is now worn twisted in front, in a casual way. The denim or leather jacket tied around the waist effectively “plays down” (again!) the ultra-chic and glamorous skirts and long dresses. And the overly long basketball shoelace (now superstars, let's note it at the same time) wraps around the ankle, like 1930s sneakers. Eyebrows darker than hair are also a flawless beauty . And, to "appease" next summer's ultra-minis, we already recommend flat shoes, gladiator shoes or male derbies, to contrast with the over-femininity...

They don't know the stress of “I've got nothing to wear” mornings

Ordinary women often spend a nasty quarter of an hour in front of their closet on “no” days… Despite of overflowing rays, there is scarcity, and nothing goes with nothing. A little pressed for time (school, office, etc.), the poor girl ends up going out in her eternal little gray sweater/slim black/low boots, leaving a room ravaged by her doubts. The stylish girls, even on the sixth day of Fashion Week, are always radiant, combining crazy prints or mixing surprising pieces.What's their secret? It's quite simple: whatever they claim in interviews, fashionistas never improvise. Like perfect little schoolgirls preparing their things the day before, they have a kind of “library” of outfits that “match” (“that fit well”, in Newspeak fashion). Some, we learn on the blog modepersonnelle.com, even photograph the perfect silhouettes with their smartphone, to remember them. Others have it all in their heads. This practice is easy to adopt in more mundane existences and is very useful. At the start of the season, we force ourselves to think about ten looks and we can see what is coming. A “uniform” more or less always the same (like Carine Roitfeld and her pencil skirt/stilettos, more everyday), but of very good quality, is also a solution. We are "the girl who only wears navy and black with an impeccable men's shirt": it's no longer a lack of imagination, it's a stylistic bias. A pair of excellent sunglasses on the nose, winter or summer, is also a clever marker of rock insurance, even if you feel quite the opposite.

They still wear their quirky pieces

Each of us dreams of those famous strong pieces that are the glory of a wardrobe. Proof that we feel the risk, we often buy them on sale. And we end up putting them on once, ON the day when, by some miracle, our morale and our hair are in good shape. Fashionistas apparently don't have the same moods, just look at Anna Dello Russo.Is there a user manual? Even if no one dreams of looking like the aforementioned , a little daring would be nice sometimes. Here again, it is not a question of rushing on the first metallic linen petticoat that passes. The golden rule? Visualize - before cracking - three outfits where we imagine without laughing the obscure object of our instinctual desire married with our existing? None ? It is a bad omen. Starting with easy strong pieces (shoes, jewelry, even printed pants) is also a good test.

They are equipped with an extraordinary thermal system

We have often commented on the ability of “in” girls to go out bare-legged in winter. This mania has not improved recently: we have seen a lot of them in the barefoot frost in sublime monastic leather flip flops, under a big coat, even a fur, of course; likewise, the long or short sleeveless cloth waistcoat (this mystery) or the jacket with a plunging neckline next to the skin (which had their little success in the heart of February)… As we suffocated in these big imposing sweaters at the office or at home, they wore them without the slightest apparent embarrassment… In summer, on the contrary, they can parade abnormally covered: safari dress in suede with sleeves, long skirt, laced boots, colored thigh-high boots, etc.

Should we follow this example? It is clear that fashionistas, in their relationship to the cold, had to do survival courses in Iceland or Finland, these countries where, at 14° C, we exhibit bare backs. They also often get out of a car to enter a heated place, which makes the exposed toes or heels of their winter shoes more acceptable. We will therefore confine the exercise to the evenings, when we do not have this lifestyle under the bell. For the big sweater, impossible in an overheated office, there is a modus operandi that changes everything: you wear it as a coat outside and take it off inside to reveal a very fine knit, A bit like the big skinned pole beast in Asterix legionnaire. In summer, the problem is less: as the latter is often non-existent (remember the deluge in August last year…), the too covering or the boot are ultimately rather a blessing.

They consider the accessory as essential

Chic gri-gris elegantly twisted at the wrist over a swimsuit, a breastplate to dress up their gray sweatshirt, a giant chain bracelet as a necklace under the collar of their denim shirt, a single ear cuff or rings on all their fingers in the evening, cuff on each wrist on bare arms…, we would never stop listing their finds. Obviously, with our children's first name "charm" necklace or our eternal 1970s long necklace, we look quite playful.Is there a trick? Above all, these ladies have the conviction that the accessory is essential. And that it is an integral part of their look, when we randomly grab a pair of earrings to "finish" our outfit. Obviously, having some nice sharp pieces (which are not necessarily jewelry) helps a lot…

Thanks to Cécile Martin, fashion editor.

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