Sports rooms: what will they look like their reopening?

Modified by Benoit Desaint

The sports halls again accessible to the general public from June 9.Here is what they should look like when they reopen.

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Sports rooms reopened from June 9

Let us miss our sports halls!Closed since October 2020 due to the COVVI-19 pandemic, sports complexes have left millions of orphaned French people from one of their favorite activities.From now on, the sessions are done at home, and, even if it is possible to obtain results by performing these exercises, dumbbells, bars and other cast iron discs are terribly lacking.Fortunately, Emmanuel Macron announced the date of their reopening that will take place on June 9.

What to expect when reopening?

What will the sports halls look like when we can access it again?Time slot, masks, QR code, so many questions we already have several answers.Detail review.

50% gauge and reservations to come and train

Just before their closure in October, many sports halls had set up a time slot system to book to come and train.No reservation, no session, it was as simple as that.A practice that could be found at the time of reopening in order to control and limit the number of people present in the room, and therefore the risk of contamination.But this practice will not be compulsory and will be implemented according to the goodwill of room managers.

Regarding the capacity, it has already been set at 50% of the maximum capacity of the rooms by the government.

Mandatory masks for all

Salles de sport : À quoi ressembleront-elles à leur réouverture ?

Brands have been busy creating masks suitable for sport.Solomon has already marketed its product, approved by AFNOR (French normalization association) beforehand.If the Minister of Sports Roxana Maracineanu had a lot on this device, she will not impose it.Wearing the category 1 mask will be compulsory to be able to circulate freely in the complexes.During exercises, you can however remove it in order to breathe better.

QR Code to scan at the entrance to the sports halls

To ensure better traceability of users and identify people who have been in contact with a COVID case as quickly as possible, managers will have to set up a QR code scanner system accessible via the applicationAll anticovid.Tracking can also be done through badge readers or booking notebooks.

Materials to train outdoors

Faced with closure, some brands have innovated and moved outdoor equipment to allow their customers to continue to train.A very widespread crossfit practice which could become a standard when reopening the rooms.By doing this, the risk of contamination is indeed limited, the constant renewal of the air helping.

Closed changing rooms

Like amateur sports, such as football since its recovery, the sports halls may be forced to close their changing rooms so as not to promote contamination.Some had even taken these measures before their closure in October.It would therefore be necessary to arrive already ready, in uniform, to do your session and take a shower at home.

Programs to be carried out at home

What if the gym came to you?This is what several brands already offers, such as Fitness Park, which have set up special subscriptions during their closure to access programs to be carried out at home.A practice that seduces, allows brands to hold on financially and that could develop in the future.The closure of sports complexes has at least allowed practitioners to discover new ways to train.And there is not necessarily need to lift weights and dumbbells to obtain a physique at the ZAC Efron.

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