Houellebecq, the anti-date

Les gens célèbres veulent généralement voir publier des images d’eux-mêmes qui les valorisent. Et quand un maquilleur ou Photo­shop n’arrivent plus à améliorer un visage ou une silhouette, la chirurgie esthétique est appelée à la rescousse. Michel Houellebecq, lui, comme Serge Gainsbourg jadis, rame à contre-courant. L’écrivain, qui divise l’opinion et la critique avec son dernier roman, Soumission, n’a jamais été un apollon, mais il en rajoute dans lanon-estime de soi. On ne peut qu’ être frappé par l’évolution de son visage entre 2010 et 2014. Comme s’il avait pris vingt ans au lieu de quatre.Houellebecq, l’anti-dandy Houellebecq, l’anti-dandy

2010 is the year of the Goncourt Prize, for the map and the territory (Flammarion), its most consensual novel.The photos and videos of then show a pleasant face, as we have hardly seen before and after this date.The cheek is pink, the hair short, the reasonable wick, the gummied ride, the neat shirt, a generous smile.The words are suitable too.Some see it as a posture adopted for goncourt hunting, a price that he had brought together in the past.

A completely different Houellebecq appears in 2014.A splendid year, for him.This new face, we discover it in March in the black and white clip of the song isolation, by Jean-Louis Aubert.We find his cinema, in films of their presence on the screen.The kidnapping of Michel Houellebecq, Guillaume Nicloux, broadcast on Arte on August 27, has the starting point a rumor of September 2011: the "disappearance" of the writer for several months-he would have been kidnapped by Al-Qaida.The second film is a suicidal fable, as the title suggests, Near Death Experience, by Benoît Delépine and Gustave Kervern, released in theaters on September 10.

We think of the ghost of Antonin Artaud, to Louis-Ferdinand Céline

Houellebecq, l’anti-dandy

On the images that accompany these events, the face is dug, the gray complexion, the upper lip absorbed by a steeped upper jaw, the wrinkles are lunch, the hair is long and straw, the body floats in the clothes, the pantsgo up under the arms.Everyone goes there with their comparison.We think of the ghost of Antonin Artaud, that seized in December 1947, three months before his death - no lips, long hair, feverish look - by Denise Columbus, a portrait which she described as "crazy indecency".We think of Louis-Ferdinand Céline, that of the 1950s, when he lives in pariah in Meudon (Hauts-de-Seine), immortalized by photographers François Pagès or Boris Lipnitzki.

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