I accuse Ousmane Sonko on specific facts (Madiambal Diagne)

On December 30, 2018, I was the guest of the program "Le Jury du Dimanche", led on the Radio channel by Mamoudou Ibra Kane.

On this occasion, I had answered the question of whether the leader of Pastef, Ousmane Sonko, would not be the revelation of the next presidential election of February 24, 2019. I said in particular: "Ousmane Sonko is already a revelation in thisMeaning that he managed to obtain a seat of deputy from his first participation in national elections, even if it was thanks to the strongest remains.Also, we can consider that it is already a revelation, because if we believe the press, he has obtained the number of necessary sponsorships while politicians who have been on the ground for several decades, do not manage.

The fact remains that we can have reservations about Ousmane Sonko's speech;There is somewhere a lack of maturity or sense of responsibility.By making certain statements, such as the casualness with which he deals with the question of the CFA franc.He wants to get out of the CFA, but don't tell us how.His roughly on the issue of hydrocarbons, saying totally inaccurate things, accusations he carries against civil servants, files on which he himself could have been arrested.

The people he implicated can turn against him.How could Mamour Diallo (Editor's note: Director of Domains) for example divert sums that are not even paid yet (Editor's note: 94.5 billion due by the State of Senegal to the heirs of TF 1451/R)?And then, Ousmane Sonko is in business with one of the stakeholders.He has interests in this file.(...) If I tell you, you can believe me.I don't speak lightly.I have the proofs of what I tell you there.At the very least, Ousmane Sonko can be heard as a witness in this case. ”

A model of 12 billion CFA francs of commissions expected by Ousmane Sonko

During a meeting he held on the evening of Sunday, December 30, 2018, in the Parcels Santed district in Dakar, Ousmane Sonko said he had a replica.This is completely acceptable, but instead of talking about the facts, he sought to drown the fish to drink insults and ask his audience to do the same.He will be careful not to challenge my allegations.He will remain in the field of characterization.

There were many, after this exit from the leader of Pastef, to say that they had been hungry;That Ousmane Sonko sought to answer without really answering.One of his friends wondered even if Ousmane Sonko had taken care to listen to my words before starting to insult me in public.But as a good adage says: "A beautiful speaker always ends up feeling his own buttocks and saying that they are not his".

Indeed, invited on the set of the 2STV television channel, Ousmane Sonko will be well embarrassed to recognize his business relations with the heirs of the famous TF 1451/R, as I had indicated on the IRADIO show.It is through his company Africa Tax and Law Advisor Services (Atlas), made up with Ismaïla Ba, that Ousmane Sonko had negotiated, with the beneficiaries, to touch his share on compensation that the State of Senegal shouldPay following a land dispute following operations to alienation from said land.

"This is taken who thought they were taking!"Indeed, Ousmane Sonko, a candidate declared in the next presidential election, could not ignore that all his transactions would attract attention, and thus he will then be careful not to have the operation by his company Atlas.Thus, Ousmane Sonko will believe necessary to arouse the creation of a new company called Mercalex, whose director general will be no one other than his partner Ismaïla Ba, the same who remains the manager of the Atlas company.

J’accuse Ousmane Sonko sur des faits précis ( Madiambal Diagne )

The business on the TF 1451/R will thus be passed on to Mercalex by a protocol signed in August 2018. It will be noted that Mercalex was created on June 29, 2018, for, a few days later, signed a protocol with the heirsof TF 1451/r.The last of the idiots would understand that Mercalex was specially created to serve as a mule for this operation.Once the contract is secured, Mercalex will start its recovery actions.Payment notice was sent from September 13, 2018 to the structures involved in this case to demand payment of the sums claimed.

Mercalex will quickly realize that the operation will not be an easy task, notably because the heirs had already passed a similar agreement with another company, Sofico, led by a certain Tahirou Sarr.Then, Ousmane Sonko entered action and seizes, in his capacity as a deputy to the National Assembly, all the public institutions of a denunciation.Just to scare or put some pressure on the State of Senegal and on all other parties to make them helped the magot.

The Sonko deputy will pay in a form of vulgar blackmail operation by doing a ramdam with the public prosecutor, the National Office to Fight Fraud and Corruption (OFNAC), the General Inspectorate of State anddoes not yet know which other state institution.He seemed to have assimilated the lesson well.He said, on Saturday December 13, 2013, on the set of "It says Mag" on the 2STV, when he sought to defend Tahibou Ndiaye, "that it is easy to accuse someone without proof and leave social networksdirty it ”.Did he want to do this?

In any case, ignored by the actors of this affair, Ousmane Sonko will make "Porter-Press" to use the beautiful formula of Youssou Ndour, with virulent media outings.The Modus Operandi is no longer ignoble and revolting, because we note that a deputy, a politician, uses his mandate as a deputy and his politician's cap to bring causes in which he expects to harvest, for his personal benefit, strong sums of money.What lesson in ethics or probity could such a character provide?

The facts are serious and the behavior of Ousmane Sonko in this case is overhang with the professional and ethical rules of the deputy.Ah yes, in the spèce, the ofnac should be self-saisir in the case of Ousmane Sonko.The National Assembly of Senegal should not closely close a violation of such serious rules of procedure.Certainly, Ousmane Sonko does not care about the conflict of interests or a concern for embezzlement of his mandate as deputy for private purposes.He thus appears more as a "deputy for his tax office" than a "deputy for the Senegalese people".

In addition, Ousmane Sonko also had to ignore that the agent of the heirs of the TF 1451/R, Djibril Dial, had come to ask me for me to help him with certain state authorities to advance his file.I had categorically excluded any idea of commissions, unlike Ousmane Sonko who claimed 12% of the amounts that would be paid.Who is the "mercenary" between the two of us?

Ousmane Sonko, an unscrupulous official

Note that Ousmane Sonko had created Atlas with Ismaïla Ba, when he was still a official of the tax administration.Here is a civil servant who creates a consulting company in tax law to make private services on the subject for which he is employed by the State of Senegal.What is his civil servant ethics?

One can well wonder about the sincerity of tax operations conducted by Ousmane Sonko who worked in the morning for the tax services and in the evening for his tax firm in taxation.Ousmane Sonko was in a posture of obvious conflicts of interest.And we invite it to reread the code of ethics of the tax administration of Senegal and above all, law 61-33 of June 15, 1961, relating to general status of civil servants who underline: "It is prohibited for any civil servant to exercise,For a professional basis, a lucrative private activity of any kind.It can be exceptionally derogated from this prohibition under the conditions which will be fixed by decree regulating the cumulation (.) ...

It is prohibited for any civil servant, whatever his position, to have either by himself or by person interposed, and under any name whatsoever, in a company subject to control of his administration or service, or in relationWith its administration or service, interests likely to compromise its independence. ”

Ousmane Sonko was the basis of the creation of the autonomous union of tax and domain agents and led this organization from 2005 to 2012. This position enabled him to set himself up in terror of the various officials of his administration.This earned him to be systematically served in all the subdivisions that have been made.Ousmane Sonko was able to benefit from many land assignments.We hold copies of many leases which have been assigned to him directly or through duly identified nominees;Lands he was able to resell.

The industrial privileges granted to Ousmane Sonko had started by making people talk within the services.Ousmane Sonko's land bulimia prompted him to be a Tahibou Ndiaye racing boy, former director of the domains.Besides, he had sought to fly to the aid of Tahibou Ndiaye when the latter had a knit to leave with the justice.He had tried in vain to mobilize tax workers to serve as a shield in Tahibou Ndiaye.Only, he had not understood that these workers could not feel united with a predation of land resources that had not benefited them.

As part of the Tahibou Ndiaye affair, Ousmane Sonko threatened to blow up the Republic with unpacking.He won't do anything.Tahibou Ndiaye will eventually go to prison.I must remind Ousmane Sonko that it was in these conditions that he had asked to meet me, because he was aware of the fact that the family and relatives of Tahibou Ndiaye had asked me in this file for a"Criminal mediation" to allow Tahibou Ndiaye to get out of prison.We had seen ourselves at the bar at the King Fahd Palace hotel in December 2013. He came to the appointment, accompanied by Ismaïla Ba to whom he asked to leave us alone.Ousmane Sonko had left me this day by showing me his "respect and his esteem".

If he can insult me today, it is precisely because he is in difficulty as his sudden amnesia eloquently shows, on the 2STV plateau, the evening of the Holy Sylvestre.He had trouble to remember the name of his Atlas company."There are people who believe that you have to wash an insult in their blood.I hate this laundry. "I choose to respond to insults by opposing specific and truthful facts.Naturally, for lack of being able to answer it, Ousmane Sonko will have the insult to his mouth.For the record, Ousmane Sonko came to see me in November 2017, still accompanied by Ismaïla Ba, as part of the adventures of the Yavuz Selim schools.He had promised to take charge of this case.He won't do anything.Maybe it's because there were no commissions to pick up on this one.

Ousmane Sonko strangely recalls a character from the television series House of Cards, the governor of New York State, Will Convay, candidate for the White House.Convay arrives with a campaign fueled by a popularity on social networks, an enjolivated legitimacy of a model soldier and a speech of "clean gentleman", faced with a more than Ultimate and corrupt establishment.The caricature could be close to what is happening in Senegal.The immaturity of his positions, the passion of his actions, his demagoguery, the balancingist game in his turpitudes and the sufficiency shown, will eventually lose the convoy governor.Hopefully fiction does not materialize as such for Ousmane Sonko!