Jenna Lyons, the woman who dresses America

"Oh Gosh!I’m Sooo Hungry.»Duck blue coat placed on her shoulders, Jenna Lyons arrives in a rush in her office, located in the heart of East Village, in New York.It is eleven in the morning, and the director of creation and president of J.Crew has still not taken breakfast time."It's the race today," she notes in a surprisingly just Frenchman, while sipping icy coffee.

Hair pulled in bun, black porthole glasses, carmine lipstick: this large girl (1.82 m all the same) is decidedly singular."Today I am J.Crew from head to toe, »she says, adjusting her collar.Human shirt, anthracite gray costume pants, laces open toes pumps, all enhanced by a lie-de-brown sequins t-shirt: the mix and match queen has struck again!We bet that this look has already joined the tens of thousands of Pinterest accounts devoted to this fashion guru.Because, with daring prints and impertinent associations, Jenna Lyons has succeeded in the impossible: to impose a look that belongs only to her.A unique style.J style J.Crew, whom everyone now adopts, from Lena Dunham to Michelle Obama in person!

The art of rubbing shoulders with stars

"The time is serious," she said, smiling.Today, I have lunch with Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge, who are passing through New York.And… you know, I'm super excited.This is the first time that I have encountered them, then ... You Know ... "His speech flow is in" fast advance "mode.She punctuates each sentence with a "you know" ("you know"), doubled with a mimicry: a real character from Tex Avery!"All of this is very intimidating, right?"»»

However, lately, Jenna became an expert in the art of rubbing shoulders with the most influential personalities of the moment, including Anna Wintour and Beyoncé.On her desk, among countless drawings by her son Beckett, sits a photo of her in the company of Oprah Winfrey."She is one of the women I admire the most in the world.She is of crazy intelligence, she is generous, and above all she knew how to remain authentic."Jenna Lyons meets Oprah in 2010 as part of a program entitled Inside Glamorous Dream Job (" behind the scenes of a dream profession ").Who better than Miss Lyons to testify? In 1990, freshly graduated from the New York School Parsons, Jenna joined J.Crew.She's 21 years old."I was then assistant to an assistant from another assistant!"She laughs.Twenty-five years later, after a visit to the man department, then that of women, she became director of creation and president of the brand.Its success is such that the American press calls it "The Woman who Dresses America" ("The woman who dresses America").A breathtaking ascent.

"God, I was so tall!"

"It's completely Crazy, right?!"She exclaims.She swallows two sips of icy coffee."Certainly, I am blessed by the gods."Today adored by millions of fans, Jenna Lyons has however experienced difficult beginnings."I grew up in a small town in southern California.Very early on, I was diagnosed with a genetic disease responding to the sweet name of "incontinentia pigmenti".Concretely, my body was covered with scars, I lost my hair by handles, and my teeth were completely misshapen.I had to wait for adolescence to have implants ... "Grimace."God!I was so tall and so thin ... It was excruciating.I was the laughingstock of all school.My measurements, delusional for this age, prevented me from finding my sizes in store.I had to make out of clothes with my father's clothes."Is it from there that she holds her penchant for androgynous looks?Shrug."It is possible, yes.I think in any case that the difficulties encountered shape the person we become.»»

Jenna Lyons, la femme qui habille l’Amérique

At 12, his mother enrolled in a course where we learn, in particular, the sewing."There, things have changed," she said, a spark in the eyes.I started to create my own clothes.»» Jenna Lyons expérimente, s’amuse, et débarque le jour de la rentrée des classes vêtue d’une jupe longue assortie d’une cape maison. « Quand j’y pense aujourd’hui, c’était n’importe quoi ! Une cape sous le soleil de Californie… Pfff… Crazy girl!»» Pas si folle que ça ! Le collège tout entier se retourne sur son passage."It was the first time that I was noticed!The most popular girls in school even ordered me. C’était l’excitation !»» Pour ses 13 ans, sa grand-mère lui offre sa première machine à coudre et un abonnement à Vogue.

The Lyons phenomenon is underway.At the end of her high school years, she takes a single go for New York."Me the School Parsons!"Finally, I felt where I had to be.I immediately liked the New York state of mind and its energy.As for the School Parsons, I was suddenly surrounded by people who spoke the same language as me. C’était magique !»» Jenna vit alors en colocation."I didn't have a penny in my pocket;Suddenly, I stung all the clothes of my roommate, who had an absolutely divine taste and an excessively generous daddy. Son dressing était rempli de pièces Issey Miyake, Alaïa, Givenchy…»»Au pied de son lit s’entassent alors des magazines de mode, des croquis en pagaille, et des pages arrachées d’un certain catalogue J.Crew."At the time, J.Crew was a clothing brand sold only by correspondence.Iconic girls like Christy Turlington or Linda Evangelista posed in these stylish but affordable outfits. J’étais fan !»» Nous sommes alors au tout début des années 1990.Since then, the brand has made a way.She is even at the top of Everest.The catalog is today distributed to 80 million copies per year, and J.Crew has 290 shops around the world."Yes, the brand has grown and evolved, but Micky and I never lose sight of the house: offer chic and desirable fashion at an affordable price.»»

Jenna Lyons's fashion shoot

Jenna Lyons
Voir le diaporama
8 photos

A panel of beautiful basics

Micky ? Millard « Mickey»» Drexler, le génie du retailing à la tête de J.Crew. L’homme que la presse américaine surnomme le « Merchant Prince»».After having straightened the Gap brand, he is appointed to the post of CE of J.Crew in 2003.The brand's current success is due to him largely."Micky immediately understood that creativity had to boost and always offer more quality.For him, the product is at the center of everything.»» La signature maison ? Proposer un panel de beaux basiques, à la qualité irréprochable, parsemé de pièces plus audacieuses, comme des pantalons à sequins, des chemises dans des imprimés surprenants, ou des cachemires flashy made in Italy."Taken independently, the pieces have nothing extravagant," concedes Jenna.Everything lies in the assembly.This is what matters!We want to give our client the keys to find inspiration.Then it is to play and to forge her own style.»»

"This way of being chic...»

In 2008 and 2010, Mickey Drexler appointed Jenna Lyons Director of Creation and President of the brand.Since then, these two have been a perfect pair.He works in the shadows, she in the light, but they always advance hand in hand.Together, they oversee 1,100 employees at the Headquarters of J.Crew, in New York.Their current site?Multiply international openings.After London and Hongkong, they are about to inaugurate their first Parisian boutique, in the heart of the Marais (1)."I’m excited!Concludes Jenna.For us, Paris is obvious.Fashion begins here. Quand je pense Paris, je pense style, je pense Yves Saint Laurent, je pense Balmain, je pense Alaïa… Paris est peuplé d’icônes mode !»» Elle lève les yeux au ciel."One of my first fashion chills is also linked to a Parisian ... When I was a student, I was offering as dressing during the Fashion Weeks to make a little pocket money.One day when I assumed in the backstages of Oscar de la Renta, I see a liana of an incredible grace arriving.It was Carla Bruni.So much style and casualness: I was speechless. De toute façon, les Françaises et leur sens du style ne cessent de m’impressionner ! Cette façon d’être chic sans en avoir l’air, cette confiance en soi, ce négligé maîtrisé…»»Son assistante l’interrompt."Time to go, Jenna.»» Pas question de faire attendre Kate et William ! Un dernier conseil mode avant de partir ? « Rappelez-vous toujours d’une chose : on ne se souviendra pas de vous parce que vous êtes tendance, mais parce que vous êtes élégante.There is a nuance, believe me.»» Elle replace son manteau bleu canard sur ses épaules. « Et surtout… gardez le sourire !»»

(1) 12, rue Mahler, 75004 Paris.

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