Students from Pasteur d'Arbois college rewarded by Marlène Schiappa and Jean-Michel Blanquer

By Christophe Belhomme Published by Voix du Jura See my news

A day of glory for the Pasteur d'Arbois college which “went up” to the capital. The prize-giving ceremony for the National Clemenceau Competition was held on Thursday, October 21 at 11 a.m. at the Ministry of the Interior, place Beauvau.

The 9 students involved, from 3rd grade , their teachers, Isabelle Bordas and Séverine Serrier, the academic director Madhi Tamene, and their head of establishment, Isabelle Franzetti were able to present their project and discuss with Marlène Schiappa, Minister Delegate to the Minister of the Interior, in charge of citizenship and Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of National Education, Youth and Sports.

This competition, organized jointly by the Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports, and the Ministry of the Interior, aims to introduce students to the daily commitment of police and gendarmes in the service of the population.

Bringing law enforcement closer to youth

The operation took place in two stages:

Les élèves du collège Pasteur d'Arbois récompensés par Marlène Schiappa et Jean-Michel Blanquer

– A time dedicated to meetings and exchanges during visits to police stations and various services to discover missions and professions. For the students of Arbois, it was the discovery of the gendarmerie of Arbois.

– A time for reflection and collective work in class, aimed at producing work on the theme of “everyday safety”.

The ceremony was very official. The Arboisian establishment appeared with the two other award-winning establishments: the François-Truffaut college in Strasbourg ( 1st prize) for the digital newspaper Truffaut actu and the Lelorge-de-Savigny college, in Provins ( 2nd prize), for the song and the Proud clip. After the speeches by the gendarmerie, the police and the ministers, a trophy, a diploma and "goodies" (stamped by the Ministry of the Interior) were given to the winners.

Louis Pasteur would have liked

During the cocktail, Jean-Michel Blanquer exchanged with the students.

The Ministry of the Interior had paid for part of the trip. Séverine Ferrier left the establishment at the start of the school year. She has since been transferred to the Paris region, but she wanted to be present with her former students.

It was last April that the jury met to render its verdict. Arbois thus confirms its vocation as a republican commune. Louis Pasteur, great republican before the eternal, would have liked...

Contact: Pasteur College, Arbois.

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